
Two more this morning
I have my first Buff gosling in the hatcher. I sat six eggs, but the other five were infertile. The next batch should be coming along to keep the loner company next week. I've got 14 more eggs in the incubator so far. I marked and put six infertile eggs in the nest, hoping that the goose would become broody, but so far she's content to just lay. Her first egg was laid 12/12/19.
So 17 out of 20 La Bresse chicks hatched yesterday so I transferred the chicks to their heating box and grabbed the 3 goose eggs from broody hen.

The 3 goose eggs all have different hatching dates so it will be a bit awkward but I'll figure something out 😅👍

In the egg they all look like they should start hatch very soon!

Fingers crossed for a buff gosling!

Both my 4 year old and year old are now laying.

There's 9 eggs in the nest so I will have to separate some eggs and make a new nest.

7 eggs is the maximum I allow a goose to sit on, anymore than 7 eggs for heavy breeds will cause problems!

Anyways fingers crossed for a gosling this week 👌


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So the 3rd egg pipped at the wrong end of the egg, I had to help this guy out as it was 24 hour's after pipping, I wouldn't have helped if it was at the right side of the egg but he started fluffing up and getting super chatty so I knew he was ready to hatch.

⚠️⚠️⚠️Never help a gosling or any bird when it's hatching, unless you know what you're doing⚠️⚠️⚠️

If you really think the baby needs help with hatching you need to remember that if the membrane bleeds it needs more time to absorb the yoke. If the membrane doesn't bleed and is gooey, its ready to come out.
I Have SPIDERS!!! :celebrate:celebrate:celebrate
Nine eggs with beautiful spiders and two with little red dots!!!

Honestly I was going to wait until seven days but I'm rotating them anyway and candling them takes like two seconds, so... Yesterday there was nothing but a possibly wishful thinking little pink smudge on one egg. :wee:ya:wee

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