The high humidity won't hurt this early in the incubation..Needs to drop though so the air cells get bigger before lock down or they drown. Temp needs to be correct or they won't hatch on time.
I'm hatching Chickens right now and my Humidity is under 40% they are due the end of May.
I agree with this.
The only thing I'd add is too low of humidity can be worse early on than too high. Too high can make them lose too much weight too fast which lessens hatch rate from my research. What is considered too low seems to vary a lot for person to person.
I've heard of people who hatched with humidity as low as 25% early on and as high as 60% early on. There is very little difference between hatching duck and chicken eggs, other than time. Not near as much as hatching goose or turkey for sure.
I agree with this.
The only thing I'd add is too low of humidity can be worse early on than too high. Too high can make them lose too much weight too fast which lessens hatch rate from my research. What is considered too low seems to vary a lot for person to person.
I've heard of people who hatched with humidity as low as 25% early on and as high as 60% early on. There is very little difference between hatching duck and chicken eggs, other than time. Not near as much as hatching goose or turkey for sure.
Yes, Humidity plays a role as why I watch my air cells every few days. I'm not much for candling my eggs although I make sure things are going as they should..
I hatch Call Ducks and Large breed Chickens..100% hatch rates many times..
I had to take my tray out because it cracked one of my eggs :( as soon as I got home I had to clean the incubator to be sure nothing was left that could start bacteria growth. Ever since then the temp has been at 97 (even when I upped the temp by 1 degree Celsius on he incubator) and the humidity has been a kind 60% instead of my normal goal of around 40%. Do you think this is hurting my eggs? I’m seeing such growth but I’m so worried the temp / humidity is an issue. I got another thermomiter to go inside it’s arriving today so I’ll get another read

Did the tray have the turner motor built into it, so that the motor was inside the incubator?

If so, those motors actually put out heat, enough to raise the temp in a small confined space. So taking it out would explain the temp drop.

Since it sounds like this incubator is still air, you want to measure the temperature at the top of the eggs, and you want it to be 38.6 C.
Did the tray have the turner motor built into it, so that the motor was inside the incubator?

If so, those motors actually put out heat, enough to raise the temp in a small confined space. So taking it out would explain the temp drop.

Since it sounds like this incubator is still air, you want to measure the temperature at the top of the eggs, and you want it to be 38.6 C.

Thanks so much. The motor for the turner is on the top of the lid and it has a metal piece that would connect to a plastic black tray and move them back and fourth. I’m assuming the motor is still moving even though I took the tray out but I’m not totally sure
Did the tray have the turner motor built into it, so that the motor was inside the incubator?

If so, those motors actually put out heat, enough to raise the temp in a small confined space. So taking it out would explain the temp drop.

Since it sounds like this incubator is still air, you want to measure the temperature at the top of the eggs, and you want it to be 38.6 C.

I just raised the temp a few notches to 38.4 to slowly try to see if I can build it back up. My biggest fear is over heating them accidentally.
I so totally understand how important those eggs are to you. I had SOOOO tried to incubate the last 3 fertilized eggs from my late rooster (my hen refused to lay anymore after he died for almost 7 months). I wish I had bought a good incubator to start with. I had bought a 4 egg mini no-name incubator that stopped working a week before hatch and killed my lone live egg... omg I was in hysterics. Your incubator looks much better than the first one I had. Following......
I so totally understand how important those eggs are to you. I had SOOOO tried to incubate the last 3 fertilized eggs from my late rooster (my hen refused to lay anymore after he died for almost 7 months). I wish I had bought a good incubator to start with. I had bought a 4 egg mini no-name incubator that stopped working a week before hatch and killed my lone live egg... omg I was in hysterics. Your incubator looks much better than the first one I had. Following......
Oh no I’m so sorry that happened :( I successfully got my humidity down to the 30-40% range and the new thermomiter I got today reads 99 and the other raised also! I see development in a decent amount of eggs tomorrow will be day 7 but some definitely aren’t progressing and neve got any veining
Hey guys- today is Day 7 and some had some seriously cool veining and jumping around! I even posted some photos a little bit back in the thread to show some of the good eggs. #13 was my most developed and I’m not sure if my duck had been sitting on it sometimes and it started sooner? Or if all eggs develop a little differently. Anyway, when i candled #13 today I saw less veining butnno blood ring or weird ness or anything and I can still see the darker red embryo. Is it normal for veining to be less intense as the egg develops? I’d hate to think one of my most developed ones gave up but is that possible on day 7? I can show photos but I’d like to wait until day 10 when everyone says it’s the prime opportunity. I’m hopeful and terrified at the same time

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