Dougie has hurt herself again!

Glad to hear! Poor girl, it's been so rough for her, and you!

You know when you go to bed, and you're sore from the day? But the next morning you wake up chipper and ready to take on the world? But by evening again the pains have returned. I think this is what was happening. A night's rest helped, but by the end of the day, she was feeling all those aches again.

Those anti-inflammation meds should help.
I've started on the aspirin, having cut the tablets down to about the right amount, bear in mind they're just a bit smaller than pekins, not too small, not too big, pretty medium-
she's taking it happily in half a grape, and I'm also adding nutrients to the water and boosting niacin in their feed. Every little helps I think. By this morning the pain relief had worn off, so I think I got a pretty accurate view of how she is with her leg- still a really bad limp and lying down a decent amount, but definitely putting a little more weight on her foot. The leg felt pretty warm, but I still cant feel or see any swelling. Hopefully the aspirin helps while she heals.
Despite the very noticeable limp, you better believe she RAN to the breakfast bowl, only about 2 foot away from her. So its good to see she still has her appetite lol
The vets were really sympathetic and helpful on the phone- It has eased my anxiety and made it a bit easier to talk to them (I dont do well with phone calls) she's booked in for tomorrow morning. Meanwhile I'm picking up a dog crate this morning to make her a more comfortable smaller space. It'll mean she won't get herself stranded away from the water, everything will be closer.
Should I bring Sprightly to the vets too? I'm a bit worried about leaving her home alone incase we're gone a long time, she gets very stressed without Dougie. Dougie will be okay either way, she's content as long as she has either Sprightly or me. I'm just worried about them going into a crate together as Spright is bigger and clumsily bumps into Dougie.
No egg today? When you had her in the bath did she use her injured leg at all?
egg as normal laid this morning, she did use her leg- She didnt really paddle with it, but she surprised me by scratching her head with her bad leg- she's definitely able to move it, bending the joints or stretching the leg a little but, but only when the weight it off. Most of the time she just let it sit still and used her good leg more. She does however leave it out to the side slightly, in the water, I tried to take a photo but they ended up blurred because she kept moving.
She got soaked because she isnt preening so I dried her a little with a towel while she had a rest on me after.
Dougie seems to have sprained her other leg now... Not as badly as before, but I did all the checks that the vet did and noticed her other foot getting sore due to taking all her weight. So, I still have some meloxicam. The, use by date seems to be 2023, but its been opened for a while, should be fine right?
Figured I might give her some for a couple days, along with water therapy like last time.
I expect it'll heal pretty fast, so I don't feel the need to crate her like before. But it def hurting her, and she didnt even want to stand up when I slipped my hand under her, just lay there like "no thanks mum, I dont want to go outside".

The only way I can imagine this happening, is if something spooks them, and she clumsily runs/falls, as they have a step around the pool, and a step for the coop, no drops or things to trip over. So I'm very confused as to how she has managed two sprains in such a short period of time? I feel like I need a baby monitor cam for these birds....

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