Dougie has hurt herself again!

I actually initially thought Dougie was simply underweight, despite her huge appetite, but I asked about it at the vets and she wasnt concerned.
Feeling how much flesh that's on either side of her keel bone should tell you.
Oh, poor Dougie! My girl who is laying internally had no other symptoms beyond the very distended abdomen. But my Runner did get distressed kind of like this when she was egg bound.

I would def schedule that vet appointment ASAP. Or do an urgent/emergency appointment if they can't see her soon.

I am so sorry you and Dougie are dealing with this...
she made it through the night okay, this morning she is laying down quietly in the corner, no panting, no gasping, just resting.
I'll see if I can pick up a dog crate today for her, it will limit her more than the pen and ensure her sister (bless her, she's worried abour Dougie too and is pretty unsettled) doesn't knock her off balance at all when she spooks/runs to the food. I'll put the dog crate inside of the pen so that she is still very close to her...
I'll see if the vets will see her asap.
Sorry I didn’t see this earlier, but I don’t really have anything to add that hasn’t already been suggested. But I’d second the water therapy. Might help strengthen it, and let her take some weight off it. You might consider looking into slings to place her in also, if it gets really bad. I’m not sure what to think about the panting, my first thought was egg issues, but if she laid in the morning, that’s probably not it. 🤷‍♀️
in the meantime, or if the vets arent available, does anyone second the sling idea? My worrying mind was trying to think of all kinds of solutions last night and I wondered if maybe a wheelchair type thing, keeping her from putting weight on her leg could work- or would that be too extreme at this point?

Hopefully the vets can rule out egg issues- Worst case scenario, if she has broken her leg or something similar, what kind of treatment would she need? I assume they will likely do X-rays to check for an egg or break?
@BelovedBirds, I have been away for several days and just came across this thread. I hope things go well for your beautiful Dougie.
me too, it's really hard seeing her hurt, she had a lie down and nap on my lap this morning after a deep bath, she doesnt even stand up when I pick her up, just lays there
She sure couldn't ask for a better caregiver. That's good she is using it some which hopefully means nothing broken. Maybe she got her leg caught under a tree root or stepped into a hole and sprained it. Just hoping it's something that will heal given time.
That means a lot! I always feel like I'm really bad at this, whenever they get hurt- Hopefully the vets tomorrow can rule out a break/any other issue and offer her something for the pain. How often do you think I should do water therapy?
If you can do it 2-3 times a day that would be good. Sometimes especially when working you have to work around your schedule . If she is enjoying the baths and you can do it even 4times a day would be fine. Giving the leg some exercise in the water sure wouldn't hurt. Is she a water lover? My Buffs and Runners will get in their pool and go to sleep my Muscovy like to bathe but they aren't water hogs.
If you can do it 2-3 times a day that would be good. Sometimes especially when working you have to work around your schedule . If she is enjoying the baths and you can do it even 4times a day would be fine. Giving the leg some exercise in the water sure wouldn't hurt. Is she a water lover? My Buffs and Runners will get in their pool and go to sleep my Muscovy like to bathe but they aren't water hogs.
oh yeah! She loves water! As soon as she hits the bath she goes insane and gives me a shower, she just goes crazy and the water splashes a lot lol. She was a bit more restricted today but she still had a good time. I'll aim for 3 times a day
Glad to hear! Poor girl, it's been so rough for her, and you!

You know when you go to bed, and you're sore from the day? But the next morning you wake up chipper and ready to take on the world? But by evening again the pains have returned. I think this is what was happening. A night's rest helped, but by the end of the day, she was feeling all those aches again.

Those anti-inflammation meds should help.
thats true, it could simply be that- I'm going to try and do her water therapy 4 times a day along with meds, so that should help her. Its been a pretty stressful week! All this happened the same week that I rescued a severely neglected bunny, so I've had a few days of vet appointments and lots of stuff to do :th
I need a holiday 😂

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