
The door to the big run is open!

Feels early to me but Phyllis just had her post broody molt. Were the molting hens recently broody?

Evidence of Phyllis molt
View attachment 3186559
No old Penelope has never been broody, I think Curly is starting to molt and likely why she is so touchy and the others picking on her.
No BR genetics at all… in my flock that is, it might be coming from the CCLbar? Sammy is 1/2 CCLbar, Dean is 1/4, But his father might be Cass Isbar Marans X like his mother as well? He is one of the October Truss Babies from Grey Mama going rogue and hatching out 11 in our trusses.

I think so, if he continues to behave as well as he does… I don’t really love how far he takes the 3-4 ladies that look to be his little tribe up the woods NorthEast of here, but he also treats Sammy and Dean with their top Rooster Respect, and none of his girls have been hurt or worn bare by him so things are looking good so far. As for room… plenty as long as they continue to behave in the communal Coop for Roosting and not fight each other I’ve got 49 in the Free Rangers with just Sammy, Dean, him, and Spike. I’m going to have to figure out a name I suppose. 😆
Well, if your open to names, what about on of the Rangers of the North from the Lord of the Rings. Check Aragorn's family tree...

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