OMG, @BY Bob , you must be floating on cloud 9 right now!!!:love:love:love So sweet that Lady Featherington came back out for a 'night cap'with you...soooo heartwarming!!

Hopefully Gucci will follow suit leg gets stronger, she will get more maybe seeing the others will be encouraging for her !:fl
She might also need to be able to see better before such bravery!
I'm both sorry to hear this and relieved that you have a diagnosis. I feared worse news when you didn't give an update 😔. It's not a disease we hear much about. It shows me that sometimes only a vet or a lab can diagnose, however much we have been ranting on the lack of easy access to specialized avian vets.
I hope very much that since she has survived past the supposed duration of fourteen days she will make it and start getting better!
Is it supposed to be contagious that you think of vaccine ? I will certainly be reading your article if you get to write it.

It is early, she is only four months old right ?
Yes. Very contagious. Hence the name Infectious Laryngotracheitis though I must say there is a lot that is atypical about Bella’s disease.
I am very happy to have found this lab that will do PCR tests for various poultry diseases. Their customer service guy (I think it is just one guy as I get the same guy every time I call) is very knowledgeable. I think he is probably a vet. He gave me advice on which diseases to test for and knew a lot about the vaccine complications.
No BR genetics at all… in my flock that is, it might be coming from the CCLbar? Sammy is 1/2 CCLbar, Dean is 1/4, But his father might be Cass Isbar Marans X like his mother as well? He is one of the October Truss Babies from Grey Mama going rogue and hatching out 11 in our trusses.

I think so, if he continues to behave as well as he does… I don’t really love how far he takes the 3-4 ladies that look to be his little tribe up the woods NorthEast of here, but he also treats Sammy and Dean with their top Rooster Respect, and none of his girls have been hurt or worn bare by him so things are looking good so far. As for room… plenty as long as they continue to behave in the communal Coop for Roosting and not fight each other I’ve got 49 in the Free Rangers with just Sammy, Dean, him, and Spike. I’m going to have to figure out a name I suppose. 😆
Yes. It seems like he might be a keeper then. A name would be in order.
Today our hens decided they needed some free ranging time and pulled a grand escape heist


After one of the bars in our run was damaged, the ducks figured out how to volleyball themselves against the mesh until it bulged.

We had the wonderful sight of three ducks and two hens outside of the run, just in the yard. All doors shut, no idea how it happened. Until the fourth duck made a break for freedom... it was short lived.

Everyone received treats after coming back inside to the tune of "it's time to go home."

the face of a victor, one who will be back for blood
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They can be so very very clever sometimes. 😆
16 weeks. She is still a baby!
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Though I admit she has developed quite a disapproving way of staring at me!
Yes. She is still a baby. She should still be a couple of weeks off from laying despite her preparations. Enjoy these last few days though. Adulthood is rapidly approaching.
Playing Dead

These Rascals have developed a new game which involves scaring the life out of me. I know who the instigator is.

Her Name is Gucci.

The game is........

Play Dead

The first time I saw her like this I was certain she had passed. Her one leg was even sticking up in the air a little.

This was bad enough, once I figured out she wasn't dead simply laying around like this. But now she has Lady Featherington doing it.

Again my heart stopped. This is not fun.

I have never had any other chickens lay like this when not sunbathing. I am pretty certain that Gucci started doing it to take pressure off her hocks as she is still sitting a lot because of her leg.

Still, I wish they would come up with a better joke to play on me.
Playing Dead

These Rascals have developed a new game which involves scaring the life out of me. I know who the instigator is.

Her Name is Gucci.
View attachment 3186829

The game is........

Play Dead
View attachment 3186832

The first time I saw her like this I was certain she had passed. Her one leg was even sticking up in the air a little.

This was bad enough, once I figured out she wasn't dead simply laying around like this. But now she has Lady Featherington doing it.

Again my heart stopped. This is not fun.

I have never had any other chickens lay like this when not sunbathing. I am pretty certain that Gucci started doing it to take pressure off her hocks as she is still sitting a lot because of her leg.

Still, I wish they would come up with a better joke to play on me.
I know it isn't funny....... but really, it is pretty funny!

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