Thank you. I have brought her in to my office where it is nice and cool but her breathing is not slowing down. I have checked for injuries (but I think I would have seen feathers if a hawk or fox had got to them while I wasn't there) and I have felt for an egg (nada).
Rather ghoulishly I am looking up how to submit her body for a necropsy at the state lab. I can't quite bring myself to print the submission form while she is still breathing.
I can't bear it - she is so tiny - I don't even have her in a dog cage - she is in something no bigger than a shoe-box. I do wonder if she was just too small to start laying and something went wrong in that department. Her anemia and liver wonkiness could be caused by pretty much anything.
I may not be meant to have chickens.
I don’t think she is too small, and you are a marvellous hen keeper.

No, there is definitely something more going on here. If the worst does happen then yes for sure get a necropsy done, also blood work for molds, fungi, and West Nile.

If you still have some of that odd feed send along a sample of it also.

Oh I am so hoping she will be ok.
Ramping Up

We had an odd occurance here at FBA today. I was out checking on everyone doing rounds as they say and i came upon this darling threesome of hens.

View attachment 3240592

Of course this led me to look for Gucci. Where was Gucci?

I found her in the nestbox of Hattie House.

View attachment 3240597

That means she made her way up the Hattie House ramp. But why? It was very hot out today. Why lock yourself inside?

This might be a hint. Sydney was standing in the doorway of the Hattie House coop blocking Gucci from leaving. Why was Sydney blocking the opening?

View attachment 3240598

I assumed Sydney wanted to lay an egg. Gucci was laying on the eggs when I found her. However it is way too soon for Gucci to be laying.

I removed Gucci by opening the nest box and lifting her out. Glynda and Lady Featherington popped on over to see her and cheerful peep-clucks were shared by all.

I cant tell how Gucci wound up there. Maybe Sydney accidentally hearded her there. Maybe she was exploring? (I can't see her going up a ramp on purpose but who knows?)

All is good here now.
Very curious!

Maybe she was just being proactive in the egg department!
Ditto. We have had discussions about poor breeding @ different times. I suspect that more than anything. Again, NOT your fault. :hugs I'm so sorry this is happening. It is devestating I know.
I know we said poor breeding - but Lulu is a 'fancy' chicken - she is not bred to lay loads of eggs, she is bred to look devastatingly gorgeous.
So yes, she may have a genetic issue, but this is not a production breeding problem.
I don’t think she is too small, and you are a marvellous hen keeper.

No, there is definitely something more going on here. If the worst does happen then yes for sure get a necropsy done, also blood work for molds, fungi, and West Nile.

If you still have some of that odd feed send along a sample of it also.

Oh I am so hoping she will be ok.
Good idea on the feed - I will see if I can do that - and any advice on what to test for - I hadn't thought of West Nile so I will add that. The form is generic for all animal species so it is a bit complicated to figure what is relevant.
I will never understand chooks. I have tried very hard to figure them out. I have failed 😣 I spend hours with Dakota, but she refuses to be a snuggle chicken. She will sit on my lap, eat from my hand. But I can’t pet her on the back. She always wants to be just out of reach of my hands when I try. I think she may be possessed (roogaroo) Swamp beast maybe. And she sure knows how to poop 💩! :old:idunno:barnie
I hate to say this but I think Lulu is dying.
She has been OK rather than great today but nothing alarming. In the last 30 mins she has really gone down hill.
I have brought her in to the cool - it is really hot out there - and have given her calcium (though I cannot feel a stuck egg).
She is breathing really fast so I am also trying to get her to take some electrolytes and sugar water.
It is too late for the vet’s iffice
This is not looking good.
I've stared at this post for so long thinking what to say. It upset me so much that I cursed. Lulu, we need you to bounce back!

Lots and lots of hugs!

RC, the unfortunate chain of events are terrible, but there is no doubt that you are a GREAT chicken mama.
A Lot of Moxie in the Little Girl

Do not doubt Glynda's moxie. She started stalking Éowyn and in this very rough video, she chases Éowyn off. At least that's what she will tell you. Right before the video starts, Glynda had attacked Éowyn's bum. That is why Éowyn is turned facing her.

That Glynda is one tough lady to take on a 20+ lb cat!
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By submitting to the State Lab I open up the risk that she tests positive for AI and they come and destroy my remaining 3 birds.
I am agonizing about that.
I don't really believe she has AI - but it does look suspicious that I have lost 4 birds in the space of only a couple of weeks.
I think I have to know, so I will probably do this. But I am wavering.
Good idea on the feed - I will see if I can do that - and any advice on what to test for - I hadn't thought of West Nile so I will add that. The form is generic for all animal species so it is a bit complicated to figure what is relevant.
I would enclose a note with some history of her, and the other gals illnesses.

Also explain about the feed colour and that you would like to ensure no mildew or other contamination.

Oh I am just gobsmacked cannot believe this 😥

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