Easter Eggers normally arent broody. If your lucky you might get 1 out of about 10
Another mythbuster. My EE Maleficent was broody before she was 1 year old.

2019-09-23 07.31.00.jpg
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Just to put another myth to bed. Never been broody or ever considered it.

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Butter busts that myth as well, never went broody yet. The other 3, it will not surprise me to be fighting them this spring. 2 of them already tried half-hearted attempts. 1 girl went as far as to pluck out her chest feathers and try to sit on nothing for 2 days. Thankfully she was easy to break. I would love it though if I can get through a entire year without just about every single hen thinking they need to hatch eggs. Will it happen, of course not, I have a momma hen. I will say this now, if those Cinnamon Queens go broody I will cry. Of all my girls I should be able to count on them to not want to raise chicks. Now don't anyone try to go busting that myth please.
I think I read you have Easter Eggers and Buff Orps in your flock right?
Sorry for ththe misunderstanding... I do not have those breeds, but people here have been saying that Bolt could very possibly be a mix of both. Sorry about that 😅 And thank you! My parents won't let me hatch anymore chicks right now because I don't have enough room in my coop... I have hatched guineas though. I had 3 hatch from my original guineas eggs. One drowned and the other two got killed by coons. Technically we had 5 hatch from those eggs, but two died at 1 day old from birth defects. We gave 12 eggs to a friend. 9 hatched. All but 4 died. One got killed by a car (like all guineas 🤣) and another started attaching people so they rehomed him. They gave us the remaining two the Sunday before Christmas... We later hatched out 2 guineas, but one was shrink rapped and we couldn't help it. It was stuck inside the shell. We needed to cull it. It was sad. The other was healthy, with a curved toe, but the toe straightened out. It was a lone keet though. It new how to drink but I had not seen it eat. A few days after it was born, it started to death. I was syringe feeding it and everything. It was just too weak. A few weeks after that, we put too many eggs to count in my incubator. We got 8 to successfully hatch. Russell, Phoenix, Moon, Iris, Ron, Riley, Eclipse, and our only white one, Frost. They are all alive, but they are jerks. We put the new ones that our friends gave us in with them, and the babys chase them around.... I just want to hear my hen scream like a dinosaur 🤣
Other hens have said that...........................at first......................

.................. the reality is far worse than you can imagine.

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I don't know, my Splotch girl is almost as scary! She is flighty, and gives everyone very sharp pecks on the head if they eat near her.
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I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I knew once I started doing this there would be no going back. So I am now diving in and I hope you all enjoy coming along for the ride.

First of all let me tell you how we view our flock as that will help you to understand why we treat them like we do.

Our birds are our pets and we treat them as such. We do not care if someone is not laying eggs. They are welcome to stay at Fluffy Butt Acres until they pass naturally. (Now don't go telling them that! I would hate for word to get out) We do thoroughly enjoy the fresh eggs.

I plan to tell stories from the past as well as from today. I hope you all enjoy and will share stories of your flocks as well.
Lovely story and like you I love my girls. They are part of the family now and are treated that way. And by the way one of my girls are called "Fluffy But" 😉

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