Yeehaa, I was just noting Fluffy has a nice set for a wee Silkie, can’t see them for her fuzzy legs!
Silkies are so precious. I would snatch up every silkie if i could and own them. The only downside for me was the health concerns. I’m not particularly lucky with chicken health and all mine kept passing from random genetic problems, it was weird.
I have missed your videos. :lau :gig
Me too ❤️ I have had so much fun today, and once the horses come home my family will be complete 🥰

That will certainly be the response you get. Cull them.

I went years without an avian vet. Only in the last 18 months have I had access to an avian vet.
I am also very thankful I have Vet access, expensive access but it’s there if needs.
oh I am a cat person, I like dogs , but cats are just so darn funny! Do all your moggies get along?

I can’t believe the size of Éowyn’s paws!

WOW! They sure are gorgeous. Look at that fur, gosh dang. :love

Is Éowyn a Maine Coon/Coon mix of some sort?

Here is mine. View attachment 3432189View attachment 3432190View attachment 3432191She can be snobbish at times if you will!
Awwww hi pretty kitty ❤️

Me too. They make my heart melt. They seem to age so slow and then you look at a picture of them younger and realize just how fast they grew!
I love to take photo of them at hatching and compare at 1 week! Isn’t it amazing how fast they grow in just one week?!

Silkies are so precious. I would snatch up every silkie if i could and own them. The only downside for me was the health concerns. I’m not particularly lucky with chicken health and all mine kept passing from random genetic problems, it was weird.
Oh how sad, yes that’s the risk of owning specialty pets. Mine seem ok, and I am really paranoid with them but they seem to be tough little suckers!
Silkie Chickies

I couldn’t help myself I had to check out the silkies were I have the horses, so darn cute, there is a lovely white Roo who I was tempted to steal haha.



I was careful to not handle or pick them up, I just took a peek and stayed far away so as to not risk bringing anything in to them, or back to my gang.
Silkie Chickies

I couldn’t help myself I had to check out the silkies were I have the horses, so darn cute, there is a lovely white Roo who I was tempted to steal haha.

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I was careful to not handle or pick them up, I just took a peek and stayed far away so as to not risk bringing anything in to them, or back to my gang.
Oh no, Pony! Your making me want silkies again! :lol:
Silkie Chickies

I couldn’t help myself I had to check out the silkies were I have the horses, so darn cute, there is a lovely white Roo who I was tempted to steal haha.

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I was careful to not handle or pick them up, I just took a peek and stayed far away so as to not risk bringing anything in to them, or back to my gang.
OMG so cute. I do not know how you had the will not to get in there and squeeze every single one. I would have failed, miserably. I also would have tucked one of those black hens I spy in my coat. Ok, first I would have offered to buy one, then tucked one away if that failed.
Silkies are so precious. I would snatch up every silkie if i could and own them. The only downside for me was the health concerns. I’m not particularly lucky with chicken health and all mine kept passing from random genetic problems, it was weird.
I'm so sorry you had problems with silkies. My first time hatching silkies was almost 2 years ago. I had 6 hatch out. I did not incubate them but one of my Broody Marans did all the work. I did loose 3 before they were I think 5 weeks old. I cannot blame it on the fact entirely that they were silkies although maybe they were a tad more delicate then the other breeds I have. I will say that up until about 5 weeks old that group tried to find ways to kill themselves. My favorite Rooster Branch tried and almost succeeded in drowning himself in a bucket partially filled with rain water. Out of the 3 that lived, I ended up with 2 boys and 1 girl. Rehomed one of the boys and bought another silkie hen for Branch so he would have 2 girls. A month later my original hen passed. Branch and Chiquita are my only 2 current silkies. Chiquita was coming onto 3 years old when I got her a year ago. She had never free ranged before according to her previous owner, but she has taken to it like a pro and has raised 2 gangs of chicks for me now. Her old owner was rehoming her because apparently she was being beat up in her flock by bigger chickens. I really really have a hard time believing that as yes she was pitiful looking when I got her. Once she was allowed to free range the first thing she did was beat up and establish herself near the top of the pecking order and the rest of my flock are large chickens. 2 years ago before I owned them I would have swore I would never be caught owning a silkie. They were ugly, weird looking aliens. Now, I love them, their quirks and their looks and want more. Well, showgirls are the exception, those are still on my nope never happening list. But that is just a a naked neck thing in general.
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I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I knew once I started doing this there would be no going back. So I am now diving in and I hope you all enjoy coming along for the ride.

First of all let me tell you how we view our flock as that will help you to understand why we treat them like we do.

Our birds are our pets and we treat them as such. We do not care if someone is not laying eggs. They are welcome to stay at Fluffy Butt Acres until they pass naturally. (Now don't go telling them that! I would hate for word to get out) We do thoroughly enjoy the fresh eggs.

I plan to tell stories from the past as well as from today. I hope you all enjoy and will share stories of your flocks as well.
So GLAD to hear that someone else besides myself feels so deeply about their pet chickens!
@Ponypoor, the chicken eggs are pipping!!
Well, there were pips at 4pm last night!!

I am sure a few have hatched by now! 14 of the 15 eggs were fertile, so hopefully my instructor gets a dozen or maybe 14 to hatch, if they are fully developed.
I will have pictures when they hatch. In a few months I'm gonna give her Willow eggs to hatch. I think Willow is done laying for the rest of the week, poor baby!

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