I'm very interested in yoyr observations on the new feed Shad. Maybe in a couple of months?
I'm not expecting to see any obvious differences MJ. Perhaps if I fed them the fish based feed for a while but given they get 'proper' meat and fish anyway, I can't really justify the cost.
The other thing is the amount of commercial feed each chicken eats varies greatly from day to day.
I realise that with only four hens, my observations are not admissable as data, but I'm going to chime in nonetheless. Age is the key. Everyone respects the oldest, Mary. Everyone. I've seen her assert authority four times in total and only to educate youngsters. Janet is next oldest and she asserts authority daily, mostly over Ivy, but sometimes Peggy gets a dose too. Peggy's next oldest and her primary flock role is watchfulness, but as a bantam that might be instictive rather than social. Then Ivy who demonstrates frustration with Janet once or twice a month, her primary flock role is tagging along behind everyone else.

I'm looking forward to providing Ivy with a couple of youngsters in 2022. I think she'll be very happy to no longer be the youngest and most harrassed.
I agree that age seems to be the main factor. Nice to have a species that respects it's elders.:p
Sydney, Aurora, Lilly & Hattie? You've said there's no Phyllis or babies up there.
Sorry no Hattie. She has never been on the high roost. Unlike @Ribh girl Lavender, Hattie has never gotten up that high. She was on the ground floor that night.


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