Oh that devious thing is smart all right. She and Dominica will watch me. If they see I have food, they shove their way inside, and send a signal to all the others to harass me into dropping something on the floor. Such high expectations from those creatures.

I have had many a bagel stolen by that silkie of mine- and she fast on those little legs of hers!

Adult bums, including Dottie’s on the right which is as fluffy as they come, as they’re tearing into dandelions.


Baby bum! Pip squeak is growing tail feathers! If nothing else. She still seems so very small at a week old.
These are waiting for me when I get home.
My pastor is watching over my house, while I’m on assignment.
Seems he decided that I didn’t have enough chooks:
Who would ever argue with your pastor! :idunnoView attachment 3799706
Your pastor gets a big bear hug from me. What little cuties. What do we have here? Looks like a Barred Rock, maybe 3 Buff orps or White Leghorns. I see a chipmunk chick hiding in the back. That little one could be anything. EE, Speckled Suspect, Wyandotte maybe, who knows? Do you know what they are Alex?
So, I JUST woke up. It’s 5 AM, so I am planning on going back to bed. Every time I’ve woken up tonight, I’ve gone and checked on the eggs. I think this is the third time.

Other Cemani egg has a pip! No chicks. One of the Cemani’s is trying to get out though, her pip is much larger than the others.

Hopefully they can get out by the time I want to get up.

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