Congratulations! Can’t wait to see
Photos! And hope they are all pullets for you 💕

Are they all pullets ? That was such a nice thing for him to do for you. And he gets all the hard work for that first little while 😊 how many are there?

I would love to have Guineas but alas not going to happen.

Maybe when I retire.

Those three! Yeah i am a sucker for sure 😂. The wee chick is absolutely lost all by itself she/he just sits under the plate. When I pick her up she seems strong and lively but without friends apparently she has decided to just stay put.

Awwwww 😊 they are so adorable. You still have way less than I have. This time last year I had 13!
So many chicks.....

Princess enjoyed a couple of hours out with the cat early afternoon
Finally we have had decent weather
Dad doesn’t want the AC’s to go out under my broody Willow. I have told him a hundred times why it is safe for them. He says that he is fine with Bolt’s chicks going out under her, but he doesn’t want to risk the AC’s lives. He says that they are too expensive to put under a broody hen, and that a snake WILL eat them.

Okay, no. A snake won’t eat them. The only times we don’t really have snakes out here is from December-February, if I’m being honest. I told him that the TSC chicks were at just as much of a risk as these are, if not more, since they were her first chicks ever. She took excellent care of my TSC chicks.
They are going to be even safer with her than the TSC chicks were since this is her second time raising chicks.

I am going to make a few adjustments to where the girls lay eggs. I am going to block off half of my egg coop (it’s a Walmart coop where they go only to lay eggs) so that Willow and her chicks get half and one nest box, and the big chooks get half and one nest box, as well as access to their run.
It would be a temporary solution, just for a week or less, so that I am comfortable with the chicks and I don’t feel worried if they fall down the ladder.
I’m going to try to take pictures when I do it, I feel like it is just too complicated for me to explain while making sense. I’m just going to hope that Dad will let me put them out there. I really feel like Willow- and the others- will protect the babies from any danger.

The chicks are so cute! Two AC’s with Pegasus in the middle. View attachment 3801033
Your chickens will take excellent care of them.
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Your chickens will take excellent care of them.

I will warn you: I have been trying to convince Dad to let Agathae hatch. Agathae is not broody right now but I assume she will be soon. My Dad keeps coming up with excuses from the bottom of the rubbish heap to say no (such as "the others will kill the chicks" and "show me the papers". I doubt he knows how the Bigs operate.). Just be forewarned that dads are really good at making stuff up to say no.
Dad found out that he never had a choice 😂 Mom was on my side.
Chicks aren’t under Willow yet, but they will be soon.

I got pecked by Willow at least ten times. I counted ten, but I got pecked a lot before I started counting.
Just curious... what do you carry?

I love the snicky-snick sounds of cycling the action on a gun, or the clicky-click sounds of a cylinder rotating.
Have to say the one thing I really like hearing is someone saying ‘here let me haul all that feed and bedding to the barn for you, just go sit on your lawn-chair and relax’.

( sorry couldn’t resist to opportunity to whine about the weather!)

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