Yesterday afternoon, after getting a few rolled oats. The Spuds keep looking and the elders take a rest.
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Edit - couldn’t see on my phone! - L- R: Anna in front, Tedi then Diane’s tail behind her, then Popcorn to the right & Hazel.

Below, that's definitely Tedi in front. Then Anna, and again Diane’s back and tail. Tedi’s rump feathers really stand tall. Recently I tried to check her uropygial gland - she used to make sounds like she was goosing herself when she got oil from there - and couldn't find it in the dense under-fluff.
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They look so contented. Nothing like lovely hens looking all contented 💕
Ok now to ramp up the whining….

Started when I got up to a heavy rainfall warning (ya just what we need more rain), then at the barn saw that Truly had crashed through the stall all against but at least it all hadn’t come down.

Then it was raining so heavy I kept the horses in - my hay hut is still at the bottom of the paddock in a lake now. It can stay there…. Of course Truly trashed her stall while I waited for the rain to stop, which it finally did.

So I turned the horses out and let the chooks out. I had to fix the panels that were blown down the other day- everything is soaking along with me by then.

Fixed the stall wall, cleaned stalls, hauled a few bags of feed and a bale of shaving to the barn in the wheelbarrow - the soggy ground is just horrid using a wheelbarrow - I had to haul the wheelbarrow I couldn’t push it through the soft turf.

Then my mum sucked me into digging a trench to drain water from the driveway….

Oh I made bread between all that.

It’s 1:50 and I still haven’t cleaned and swept the barn floor, thrown down hay for the week, emptied water buckets for the horses and refilled, or had lunch!

And my back is just screaming agony. At least with snow it can be push back and is frozen to drive and walk on. Mud is just miserable to walk in.

But the chooks are having a blast in the sun sleeping.
Ok now to ramp up the whining….

Started when I got up to a heavy rainfall warning (ya just what we need more rain), then at the barn saw that Truly had crashed through the stall all against but at least it all hadn’t come down.

Then it was raining so heavy I kept the horses in - my hay hut is still at the bottom of the paddock in a lake now. It can stay there…. Of course Truly trashed her stall while I waited for the rain to stop, which it finally did.

So I turned the horses out and let the chooks out. I had to fix the panels that were blown down the other day- everything is soaking along with me by then.

Fixed the stall wall, cleaned stalls, hauled a few bags of feed and a bale of shaving to the barn in the wheelbarrow - the soggy ground is just horrid using a wheelbarrow - I had to haul the wheelbarrow I couldn’t push it through the soft turf.

Then my mum sucked me into digging a trench to drain water from the driveway….

Oh I made bread between all that.

It’s 1:50 and I still haven’t cleaned and swept the barn floor, thrown down hay for the week, emptied water buckets for the horses and refilled, or had lunch!

And my back is just screaming agony. At least with snow it can be push back and is frozen to drive and walk on. Mud is just miserable to walk in.

But the chooks are having a blast in the sun sleeping.
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I agree - mud is the worst! I think we are beginning to dry out here now and the ditch I dug yesterday seemed to do its job.
I agree - mud is the worst! I think we are beginning to dry out here now and the ditch I dug yesterday seemed to do its job.
I might dig a permanent ditch from the driveway and line it with large cobble rocks for drainage. Try to keep the water off the driveway.
Having fun with the chooks.

I told them they only want me when o have some for them, just like kids!

But I have had my bagel and some pain meds, now I am ready to tackle the barn floor - it’s disgusting!

Oh and Butterscotch nipped my lip when she tried to steal my bagel from my mouth - ow!

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