No Freeloading Allowed

Chickens like to work for their food. If you have ever seen a chicken scratching while eating from a feeder and wondered why? It is this instinct to work called contrafreeloading that makes them do this.

I have always tried to capture one of my hens doing this. Today Phyllis did it for me. I almost missed it. It occurs right at the beginning of this video. You will see Phyllis scratch once IN HER FOOD BOWL.

No free meals for this lady. She is a hard worker. 👷‍♀️

I’d love to see a video of Phyllis coming when she is called! :love
And a white leghorn at that, right Bob? ;) (Though I’m partial to brown leghorns) :)
Yup. There is something about those white ones. 🥰 Don't get me wrong I love the brown ones as well. But that crisp clean white is beautiful.
The Sentinel at Work

I got some wonderful shots of Hattie on guard yesterday. She seems so regal to me when she watches while the others play. Her new feathers are very pretty as well.

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