The Thanksgiving Chicken

As many of you know, Thursday was Thanksgiving in the States. The family usually gathers at our house to celebrate. Hence the reason I was largely absent the last two days This year we are more blessed than usual as Eve was here for the first time and my Mother was here after not leaving her house because of health issues for well over a year. We are truly blessed and grateful. I count all of my chicken friends as blessings as well. Thank you all. And of course all the girls but especially the newbies.
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The double oven was on all day and it got quite warm in the house. So we had to open the backdoor in order to try and get cool air into the house. Well you know who noticed that the door was open.
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"Who Me?"

My daughter kept closing the door in her face to keep her out while we were trying to eat. This got us all talking about the one time a chicken joined us for Thanksgiving. I thought I would share the story here. I may have done it before but I don’t think so. If you have heard it before I apologize. For those that haven’t here is the story of the chicken that had cherry pie for Thanksgiving.

Our first flock members were all white leghorns. Wonderful birds but very sleek and slim. When poor Elphie passed we got Patsy and Lilly to replace her. One thing, Patsy for sure and Lilly as well, could not be described as is slim. We had gotten them shortly before Thanksgiving and my niece was really fascinated by chickens. She started asking if she could touch one of the fluffy chickens. I said to her that we would see later.

After dinner was over and some of the table was cleared I decided to go and get one of the new hens for my niece to touch. It was dark by now and I knew I could easily pluck one off of the roost. Actually I remembered while walking out to the coop that sometimes Lilly would sleep in the nesting box because the pecking order wasn’t too set yet. I opened the nesting box lid and there was Lilly. Easy peasy, I scooped her up and took her to he house. I had intended to have my niece come out to the deck and pet her there.

That would not be what would happen.

When I got to the back door, she did not have shoes on and it was very cold outside. So my wife said to bring Lilly in for her to pet her. When our dining room table is fully extended there is almost no room between my wife’s chair at the end and the backdoor. Here is a picture of the table extended. The geometry is important as it will impact the consequences of this simple thing, voluntarily bringing a chicken into my house with the biggest meal of the year on the table.

The table extended
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So I entered the house with Lilly in my arms. I was kind of positioned behind my wife and I let my niece come behind my wife to pet Lilly. All was good. And then…..

“Can I hold her? Please. Can I hold her? She’s so fluffy and soft. Pretty Please?”

Then from my mother, “Let her hold the chicken”. This from a woman that my whole life growing up would have nothing to do with chickens and refused to EVER touch one let alone have one in her house.

I knew in my mind that this was a bad idea but my mother told me to do it. How could I not. So I proceeded to show her how to hold the chicken and then handed the chicken past my wife to her so she could hold her. She did a great job properly supporting Lilly and all was good. Amazingly, no one took a photo of her holding Lilly.

While she was holding Lilly her little brother came over to pet the chicken as well. She turned to let him. By turning to let him pet Lilly, she effectively blocked me from Lilly as hers and my wife’s bodies were between me and the chicken. Then the expected happened…….

“I want to hold her? Please. Can I hold her? She’s so fluffy and soft. Pretty Please?”

And mother again, “Let him hold her. It’s only fair.” This woman my whole life told me one thing over and over, “Life is not fair.” is now telling me to make it fair.

Now my nephew at the time was not very old, maybe 5? [I am not longer sure and there are no pictures to check the date.] I did not like this idea at all but Lilly was already outside of my control. My niece turned to her younger brother and proceeded to hand him Lilly, with no instruction. Disaster was about to ensue.

Except it didn’t. Lilly managed to hook one of her toes in his shirt and held herself up. I could see the setup from where I was, out of reach of the hen. I started counting in my head. I knew this would be limited in time and I wanted to get Lilly back quickly.

Then the unthinkable happened. My wife reach over and unhooked Lilly’s nail. When asked later why she would do something so foolish my wife responded, “I didn’t want her to put a hole in his shirt.”

What happens when a hen starts to fall through the air? Crazed flapping began in earnest. My nephew fell backwards as the wings started to beat his face. If I had been able to reach her this was the moment all could have been avoided. Unfortunately both my niece and my wife moved backwards towards me and away from the flapping even further blocking me. Lilly never hit the ground and she actually hovered for what seemed like forever. Unfortunately I would never make it to her.

After hovering like a helicopter, Lilly started to gain altitude. The closest thing for her to land on was the table. The table that had on it a partially eaten turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and multiple pies. Lilly hits the table and immediately takes off heading right down the length of the table. All she wanted to do was get as far from this situation as possible. All I could do was to watch in horror praying that she did not step in anything too important. ½ way down the table was my favorite pie. The only type of pie of which we only had 1, the cherry pie.

Lilly stepped right into the middle of it. It was the only thing on the entire table that she touched.

Now she was headed down the table with cherries all over her foot. Did I mention that we had just replaced our carpeting? It was not even a month old and I had a frantic chicken running down the table headed towards the living room with only 1 person in her way.

My mother, the instigator of this whole series of events, the woman who hated chickens and swore she would never touch one, was the only person between Lilly and freedom. The only person between Lilly and an expensive carpet cleaning bill. This woman as calm as if she did it every day simply grabbed Lilly when she got to her like it was no big deal.

I finally got un-trapped from the end of the table and went and gathered Lilly up. Back to the coop she went. Both her and I relieved that she was back where she belonged. When I reentered the house my sister-in-law was describing how we could just cut Lilly’s footprint out of the pie and still eat it. I never said a word. I walked over grabbed the pie, took it to the run and dumped it in for the girls. It was a Black Friday surprise I am certain they never forgot.

As we relived the story this year my mother made one thing very clear, she was not catching any chickens for us this year!


And with that, my daughter flicked the door shut on Maleficent one more time!

Lilly has many nicknames but "The Thanksgiving Chicken" was the first one she earned.
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Great story Bob. (Yes I am still reading the thread.:p)
I'm planning the chickens festive dinner atm.:lol:
She really was such a trooper through the whole thing. I have always imagined what the conversation was when everybody got up the next day and was chowing down on the cherry pie.

Daisy: I wonder where this came from

Patsy: Nom, Nom, Nom, yeah this is tasty.

Lilly: I had the strangest dream last night. Nom, Nom, Nom. I think I might have stepped in this in my dream.

Daisy: [to Patsy] I thought you told me she was OK? Nom, Nom Nom

Patsy: [to Daisy] That's a new one. Nom, Nom, Nom. I've never heard her say that before. Nom, Nom, Nom.

Daisy: [to Patsy] She is NOT sleeping on the roost next to me. Nom, Nom, Nom.
Hahaha :gig:gig

Today was a special day for Eve and me. We finally got to spend some time together. Of course Eve needed to meet the girls. It was too cold to take her out so the backdoor was the perfect solution.

Eve and Maleficent spent a great deal of time staring into each other's eyes.


While they were most interested in each other, Eve's favorite was clearly Aurora. She cackled everytime Aurora came over to the door.

After spending time with the ladies it was time for us to enjoy her new book together. I love this story and Eve enjoyed hearing it today for the first time.

It was a special time together.

She is back home in Virginia now. I miss her. :love

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