I was going to say you better have given her snacks. This kind of weather is so hard on them if they are not used to it. I hope it melts soon.
It won’t last long, thankfully, we are forecast for 6 degrees Celsius on Tuesday... frankly it would have been better if BIL had just left well enough alone and not attempted to “plow” the road with the tractor bucket. It melts best if it is left alone. It’s already gotten much better and is just calf high in most places, except for a few really big drifts. On the plus side the snow is much warmer than the previous three days!
I love your philosophy about keeping hens regardless of eggs. I figure everyone deserves a kind and gentle retirement, once her work is done. My chickens are all pets, too (some better than others!) and I am looking forward to more about the Fluffy Butt residents. They are beautiful birds.
i keep birds even if they dont lay eggs any more. Floppy is laying less but ill love her no matter what.
we need to restart that tread i got the name "Florastello" by combining parts of my chickens names. the name is proudly painted in the coop
We do Fluffy Butt Fridays here now. I'd love to see pictures of your coop. Clever name.
Saw this and thought you guys might appreciate it 🤷🏻‍♀️😏
Yes, cooked beef liver is a wonderful iron and protein boost. As far as what to offer, anything with lots of protein is good.... in addition to the liver, unsalted sardines or tunafish, canned cat food (in moderation), sunflower seeds (also in moderation, due to high fat content). If she is starving herself, I would offer damp feed, soupy baby bird formula (this saved Millie last year), sprouted wheat berries, unsalted canned corn, alfalfa sprouts, fresh blueberries... really ANYTHING that will keep her eating. If it gets to the point that she simply won’t eat or drink and is getting weak, I can help you with that. Does it seem like she is headed in that direction? Most of my birds drop weight during molt, but only twice have I seen them get themselves into trouble (Millie last year and Ester this year.)

I will give her some extra stuff today and see how she goes. Thanks!

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