Not had a good day with Fat Bird. I've spent a lot of the day with her. She's got slow crop problems now and wont stop eating grass. Her crop was still full when I checked her this morning.
I've been massaging her crop every couple of hours and got some coconut oil down her. It's moving but it's not good.
On the plus side she's mite and lice free now and tonight she got on a perch on her won. Her walking is a bit steadier but she dind't follow the tribe down from the sheep field this morning. Cillin went up and kept her company. He was there for most of the day. Treacle chased him away mid afternoon and Fat Bird gave the escort call which I haven't heard her do for some time now. Of course I responded and she calmed down. Cillin reappeared shortly after.
I don't think she's in much discomfort but if her crop wont empty that wont last for long.
I promised her I would not let her suffer.
I wish I was more eloquent at times like this. I'm glad that you are there for her as I am sure she is.

All I can do is offer hugs for you both. :hugs :hugs
This kind of story really - who just said this?- grinds my gears. :mad: When upper management policy gets in the way of doctoring and the doctor-patient relationship. You and your doctor knew exactly what needed to be done for you. Anyone your doctor consulted would have agreed. Certainly a follow-up by the in-house endocrinologist is fine, but that doesn't help you NOW. And with diabetes, you need management immediately. I would have been tempted to show up at Urgent Care after getting this kind of runaround, as your situation definitely qualifies imo. Or, if my levels were whacky enough, the Emergency Room. Either of those would or could force the issue and get you taken care of and maybe even a consult with an Endocrinologist right then. Sorry, but this stuff drives me nuts and I have no patience for it.
I agree with you but I have say a chicken tax is in order. 👮‍♂️
I agree with you but I have say a chicken tax is in order. 👮‍♂️
Yes I know but I can't do current pics from my PC, thought I'd get a photo taken today from my phone, and that either uses data or there's an offload with cable involved, unless our internet upload speed happens to be reasonable....hey it's pretty good right now. Here it is!

Popcorn and Butters scratching around the loose dirt of a garden edge, just barely snow-free now. You can see on the right a bit of the raised-bed wood. It's next to the driveway and it's a snow pile about three feet high. Will have to shovel it off or it will be June before it's plantable.

Medical note: Butters is nearest here. Her right foot you can see a discoloration and uneven texture of the flesh between the right and middle toe, I've been watching it, there was dried poop there that got a good soaking when I bathed her butt, and most came off easily but some was cemented on there and I didn't try to get it off in case that would injure her skin. I put ichthamol goop on it, then a few days later I saw fresh blood there. I cleaned it gently with the chlorhexidine cream and a swab, then put more ichthamol tar on it. That was several days ago. It seems to not be worsening, it may be clearer, but it's not looking right. Should I just wait and keep watching, or is there something I should be doing?
Hey everybody! Sorry I haven’t been around.. my tablet is still not fixed... just wanted to let yall know that I lost my Lilly today from ascites.
This month marks three years that I’ve been keeping chickens and this month (today) I have lost my first chicken... View attachment 2565972
So sorry to learn she has passed away. What a beautiful hen! ♥️ :hugs

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