Good morning fluffy butt friends. Hopefully by this afternoon the insanity of the past 36 hours will be over. And I just want to say, I hate the new management at my family dr's office. Will go into detail later, after my brain is not so foggy, but long story short, my insulin pump bit the dust with no warning what-so-ever. This happened in the middle of the night, and i spent all day yesterday on the phone, then went in person trying to get them to change my prescription so I could go back on the shots like i was in the past. It was my dr's day off, and finally this morning got them to switch me back over "If I wanted to". So hopefully tonight my blood sugar levels will be back down into the normal range and I can kiss the 400 to 500s goodbye.
That sounds like a very stressful couple of days. Hope you’re feeling better soon. :hugs
I’m hosting my very first webinar in three hours, wish me luck! :th

Chicken tax:
Not had a good day with Fat Bird. I've spent a lot of the day with her. She's got slow crop problems now and wont stop eating grass. Her crop was still full when I checked her this morning.
I've been massaging her crop every couple of hours and got some coconut oil down her. It's moving but it's not good.
On the plus side she's mite and lice free now and tonight she got on a perch on her won. Her walking is a bit steadier but she dind't follow the tribe down from the sheep field this morning. Cillin went up and kept her company. He was there for most of the day. Treacle chased him away mid afternoon and Fat Bird gave the escort call which I haven't heard her do for some time now. Of course I responded and she calmed down. Cillin reappeared shortly after.
I don't think she's in much discomfort but if her crop wont empty that wont last for long.
I promised her I would not let her suffer.
Not had a good day with Fat Bird. I've spent a lot of the day with her. She's got slow crop problems now and wont stop eating grass. Her crop was still full when I checked her this morning.
I've been massaging her crop every couple of hours and got some coconut oil down her. It's moving but it's not good.
On the plus side she's mite and lice free now and tonight she got on a perch on her won. Her walking is a bit steadier but she dind't follow the tribe down from the sheep field this morning. Cillin went up and kept her company. He was there for most of the day. Treacle chased him away mid afternoon and Fat Bird gave the escort call which I haven't heard her do for some time now. Of course I responded and she calmed down. Cillin reappeared shortly after.
I don't think she's in much discomfort but if her crop wont empty that wont last for long.
I promised her I would not let her suffer.
Oh crikey. Such a hard decision Shad. I'm guessing you'll do it yourself when her needs are clear, and you'll do it humanely, with every effort to keep her calm and maybe even contented.

More than that I'm hoping against hope she pulls through without too much discomfort :fl:fl:fl:fl
Not had a good day with Fat Bird. I've spent a lot of the day with her. She's got slow crop problems now and wont stop eating grass. Her crop was still full when I checked her this morning.
I've been massaging her crop every couple of hours and got some coconut oil down her. It's moving but it's not good.
On the plus side she's mite and lice free now and tonight she got on a perch on her won. Her walking is a bit steadier but she dind't follow the tribe down from the sheep field this morning. Cillin went up and kept her company. He was there for most of the day. Treacle chased him away mid afternoon and Fat Bird gave the escort call which I haven't heard her do for some time now. Of course I responded and she calmed down. Cillin reappeared shortly after.
I don't think she's in much discomfort but if her crop wont empty that wont last for long.
I promised her I would not let her suffer.
Cillin is a good rooster. (“Fat Bird, please get healthy again, your daddy needs you. We all need you”) :fl

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