Sorry for lecturing.... This stuff has been my professional forte for about 20 years.
No worries! I think we are all interested in the ways the info gets disseminated and used. And you clearly know your stuff about it. That’s where my hackles start to raise, when you start seeing professionals and people in these sorts of industries suggesting maybe things are getting out of hand, it’s a big warning sign IMO. I’m sure we will eventually catch up socially and ethically to our tech, but expect it will be a bit of a bumpy ride until we do. Then again I also read/watch too much sci-fi ;)
Still having a few issues with catching up, I’m considering mentioning it on the updates, it appears like I’ve read all the posts and am caught up, then after I post a comment I see a bunch I missed appear that weren’t there pre comment :hmm they aren’t new comments they are 8 hours old... I am refreshing my screen when I log back in. Has anyone else run into this? I also have Internet issues sometimes so I have to wonder... it could be on my end?
Still having a few issues with catching up, I’m considering mentioning it on the updates, it appears like I’ve read all the posts and am caught up, then after I post a comment I see a bunch I missed appear that weren’t there pre comment :hmm they aren’t new comments they are 8 hours old... I am refreshing my screen when I log back in. Has anyone else run into this? I also have Internet issues sometimes so I have to wonder... it could be on my end?
I think this is what you are talking about.. what happens is.. when you post you are basically reverted to the last page so that’s why you are seeing the new posts.. scroll down and click on the page you were on which should be lit up and it’ll bring you back to where you left off... see if that’s the issue.. unless I’m way off :confused:
I mean more that I read through to the end of the “new” posts from where I left off last night. It appears I’m on the last page and all caught up, I comment, then a bunch of posts I didn’t read appear behind my comment. Not “current” ones but comments from hours prior, that weren’t there before my comment, and I fully read through to the last page, liking as I go... :hmm could be a my Internet sucks right now thing too though. I I did refresh before I started reading...
Still having a few issues with catching up, I’m considering mentioning it on the updates, it appears like I’ve read all the posts and am caught up, then after I post a comment I see a bunch I missed appear that weren’t there pre comment :hmm they aren’t new comments they are 8 hours old... I am refreshing my screen when I log back in. Has anyone else run into this? I also have Internet issues sometimes so I have to wonder... it could be on my end?

I refresh everytime I post something or else I get lost and miss things. That seems to be working for me.
No worries! I think we are all interested in the ways the info gets disseminated and used. And you clearly know your stuff about it. That’s where my hackles start to raise, when you start seeing professionals and people in these sorts of industries suggesting maybe things are getting out of hand, it’s a big warning sign IMO. I’m sure we will eventually catch up socially and ethically to our tech, but expect it will be a bit of a bumpy ride until we do. Then again I also read/watch too much sci-fi ;)

I don't think it's possible to read and/or watch too much sci-fi
I mean more that I read through to the end of the “new” posts from where I left off last night. It appears I’m on the last page and all caught up, I comment, then a bunch of posts I didn’t read appear behind my comment. Not “current” ones but comments from hours prior, that weren’t there before my comment, and I fully read through to the last page, liking as I go... :hmm could be a my Internet sucks right now thing too though. I I did refresh before I started reading...
Ah, okay :confused:...
I mean more that I read through to the end of the “new” posts from where I left off last night. It appears I’m on the last page and all caught up, I comment, then a bunch of posts I didn’t read appear behind my comment. Not “current” ones but comments from hours prior, that weren’t there before my comment, and I fully read through to the last page, liking as I go... :hmm could be a my Internet sucks right now thing too though. I I did refresh before I started reading...
Not you. I'm having this issue also. It's really annoying me.
I mean more that I read through to the end of the “new” posts from where I left off last night. It appears I’m on the last page and all caught up, I comment, then a bunch of posts I didn’t read appear behind my comment. Not “current” ones but comments from hours prior, that weren’t there before my comment, and I fully read through to the last page, liking as I go... :hmm could be a my Internet sucks right now thing too though. I I did refresh before I started reading...
I don't think I'm having that issue.:confused:

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