Weirder still, have you ever been complimented on your ovaries? 😂 I had that during ultrasounds, strange to hear and how do you respond to that? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ahhh...thank you...?
Oh my!
People say the weirdest things. One day you and I will have to compare notes on all the so-called compliments we've gotten. Think we'll be laughing until our bellies hurt.
Hi friends,
As you know, it’s hard for me to keep up during the work week. However, I wanted to share something. Ruby has been swelling up, and I’ve been meaning to call the avian vet to see if she’ll drain her. I’ve been trying to time it where I don’t have to pay extra for urgent care, but don’t let it go so long Ruby is suffering too much.

Today the avian vet contacted me to let me know they are having an ultrasound training tomorrow, and would I like an ultrasound of Ruby’s belly free of charge? Obviously, I accepted. I asked if they could also drain her, which I’d pay for, and they can do that, too. I’m so happy!

Ruby will accompany me to work, hang out during my (zoom) meeting, go to the vet, and get picked up after my (in-person) cabinet meeting).
That time out exceptionally well. I'm glad for Ruby.
So cute all sprawled out! How fun that you and your brother have chickens in common!
It is nice. They are in FL and I'm in PA but it gives us something to chat about. His youngest boy wanted them. He got a taste of chickens one time when he was here. I had Daisy, the greatest hen ever, Patsy, and Lilly at the time. Patsy was not one that like to be pet but she let my nephew pet her while eating meal worms from his hand. It was so sweet and he was hooked.

My brother relented when they proposed hatching and raising as a part of their home schooling. My sister in law loves them.

The instigator

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