LOVE IT! Bob, I love that you’re as nuts about your chickens as I am. I peek in and say goodnight every night, no matter how long ago they went to roost! If I’m so lucky to be home at roosting time, I give pets and sometimes even kisses to those I can reach. LOL!

I check on my girls every night, make sure they're in the same henhouse and close the door.
I’ve had two hens with the implant and it worked great both times. Unfortunately, the first had already gotten EYP and eventually succumbed once it wore off. She never got back to full health, as too much damage had already been done. The second one is just now starting to get hormones back. I don’t yet know how she’ll fare.

Well, Chickie has her implant in. She laid a mangled egg this morning, which looked like it had spots of blood on it. I was worried it may have cut her on the way out. I stuck it in a snap-lock bag and took it to show Dr Nikki. It had to wait until after work and what I saw of Chickie today, she seemed a bit off. We were early for our appointment and they were running a bit late, so we ended up waiting about half an hour. Chickie pretty much napped the whole time we were waiting. I showed Dr Nikki the egg and said I thought it might be an idea to do another week’s worth of antibiotics, just to be on the safe side. She thought that was reasonable and dispensed them. She popped the implant in and said Chickie may be groggy for a little bit. I brought her home and offered her some food, which she wasn’t interested in. She wedged herself between the wall and the Tiger Grass and napped some more. When I came back she was getting stuck into the feed, which made me so happy. I’ll give her the antibiotic just before bedtime.
I dont do shots. Im way more scared of needles than the flu. Unreasonable, no doubt, but thats how it is.☹

Needle phobia is no joke. I have a friend who is bad with needles and her daughter is worse. The daughter brought her mother (my friend) and her big brother (a very buff dude) to hold her down when she knew she needed a needle. As it was they could barely hold her down and she bit her brother. He was not amused. Panic = adrenaline.

I had the flu shot this year too. The pharmacist pinched my arm and I was waiting for the needle....didn't feel a thing it was so fine. There was no obvious blood either. He had to convince me he'd done it. I was amazed!
Ive always been real tough about needles even though my veins are deep and they often have to Dig for them. On the other hand, when they prick one of my babies? Im woozy! :idunno
all 4 of the children had flu shots but not me or DH were only in our 30s though.

When my kids were littlies I used hold their hands and tell them it only takes 3 seconds. We'd count together "one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi..." and waddayouknow it was over! ☺ I think it helped knowing how long it takes.
Do we know you?:lau I'm just as bad. Every night I pop out to check everyone is safely roosted say good night.
Me too. I use a 'headlamp' (a torch/flashlight strapped to my head) because I often end up needing to do chores after dark in the winter because of work. They always wake up (I guess because of my light) and they always stare down to the floor from the roost with a look like 'what the hell is going on here?' and then they settle back down making the contented little chuckles that I just love listening to.

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