I don’t know. They are foam, so they’re a bit squishy. It packs a pretty good punch, though, so I think it would sting if it made contact. Maybe. I’d kind of like to shoot myself to see how bad it is. Lol!
NO, don’t do it! Life is too precious to be ended, and your family needs you! :gig
You know I’m kidding.
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She’s roosting right next to her new friend Rocks-Anne tonight. 👍 but I heard Jaffar gurgling his throat again, so he’s inside with me tonight. (Movie night I guess) I gave him some moxicillin in his meally worms. Seems to stop respiratory illnesses in most cases for my babies. He’s resting completely comfortable on my shoulder at the moment.
So for lucky here, but most of my gang is young, except old Nellie, she will be 6 this Spring. Been told chickens can live to over 12 yrs!

How old is Jaffar? He looks really good in photos u posted
Jaffar today: 2A8C6521-EB79-48B6-ABF5-45D324D49AD9.jpeg
Do you think that those would scare off a fox? I am mostly wondering how hard those balls are. I had a persistent fox last summer who was coming around during the daytime and I was considering getting a slingshot, but ended up just letting out my dogs who chased it off and I never saw it again although I am sure it is still around. When we got our first few snowfalls, I could see tracks that paced the fence of my chicken run.
It will leave a bruise on a human if fired at to close a range. Will that deter a fox? I don't know.

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