Holy moly the barn is shaking! We r under a blizzard warning here, I laugh though at Toronto (and fellow Canadians will understand why), they shut down the highways down there... They have a couple feet of snow, wonder if they call in the troops again like in 2000 (hahaha they never lived that down) Crazy city drivers!

Ok more tax for whining about the weather:

The Great Sophia

Here is the old bat in question. She is a survivor, on her bad leg all that remains is her foot pad, she lost the toes when she survived the hawk attack before I could tame her. I know this spring she will be at least 7, if not older. I would say this evil hen would live forever, but, due to her leg and having to compensate for the past 5 years she is starting to appear to develop arthritis. I will keep her going as long as she is comfortable, but, when it becomes clear that her quality of life starts to decline and there is nothing I can do to make her comfortable I will not let her suffer. When that time comes her final resting place will be beside my golden retriever that is buried under our River Birch tree. It is actually kind of fitting as she has hatched 2 clutches of chicks underneath that tree in the hay pile. She stopped laying in the middle of November when I stopped her twice trying to go broody. Her face is starting to color back up so it is just a matter of time before she is back to her old ways.
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What a character! More of her stories please.
My bucket is plastic and it has no issue.
That said, I think the one Bob uses is a more robust solution. I am still experimenting!
They make 2 different bases, the higher wattage one should only be used with metal (or rubber) waterers. The lower wattage one can be used with plastic waterers


https://www.chewy.com/kh-pet-products-universal-waterer/dp/148429?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=K&H Pet Products&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAxJSPBhAoEiwAeO_fP3CGRSKUHVicogzEkcfHem2z6KGqcW2o0Ys2tsFmbO9Japr7J515fBoCI3kQAvD_BwE
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Mine is actually only 30W which is mostly enough but only just at 3 degrees.
The other kind i have which is actually a heated waterer is 120W but I see is no longer available on Amazon.

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