Wow, just tried to catch up. (I was away for the weekend at X-Games supporting my husband’s 2nd cousin.) Farewell Malificent and I’m sorry about Hinge.

Predators. We have several... hawks, eagles, owls, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and even mountain lions. Only one has gotten to my birds while free ranging and I’m pretty sure it was a fox. Amazingly, nobody was seriously hurt. My run has 1/2 inch hardware cloth on the walls, top, and skirt, but there is no weed where the overlapping panels meet. They are joined by J clips, but I think I’ll reinforce with metal zip ties in some spots. There is a gopher (?) making several mounds around the run, but has not gotten in yet. We had a rat problem for a bit, but I seem to have gotten all those openings closed, as well.

Tattoos. I wanted one when I was younger, but could not think of a single thing I felt connected to enough to have it on my body forever. Really love the feather idea, though. I, too, would likely get something chicken related if I ever got one. Thinking I’m kinda past that point in my life, but you never know!

What else? All three pullets are laying and two hens are squatting again, so they might start up. Did I tell you all I’m trying to focus on flock wellness instead of illness? I suppose I won’t really know if it’s working until the hens come back into lay.

On a different note, is anyone concerned about the coronavirus outbreak?

What a great summary response.

As far as coronavirus goes, i am a microbiologist. Far more people have died from the flu this year. It always the very young, very old, and the chronically ill that are most at risk from a virus like this. It will continue to infect people until we are all exposed and develop immunity unless we develop a vaccine and create herd immunity first.

It seems that the press is enjoying this story this story right now. I like to worry about things I can actually control and this is not one. I would say don't let it keep you up at night.
I'm coming to see you girls! Be home soon.

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