Unfortunately there is what I call a lot of "reminder abuse" so that hens remember their place. Aurora is a big fan of giving out reminder abuse.
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I know.. but that doesn’t make sense in Nilky’s case.. I mean.. I could see if she would push boundaries but she doesn’t.. :confused:
At least we get to get away at our camp... check out the big camp.. zoom in and you’ll see their chicken coop! And that’s a closer image of it as well... dogs love the boat ride! Sorry for poor quality... took the with tablet off of phone...
Thank you for the lovely photos, especially appreciated when sheltering at home. All I see is the same four walls.
Oh no - that sounds very sad. I will try and get some nice outside pictures - I have lots of trees in full blossom so very beautiful and good for the soul.
They must've heard him asking. That's what Peggy did, "oh? He can't hear me? I'll have to raise my voice a little. You too Janet. Ba ba bakaaaak ba ba bakaaaak LOUDER JANET BA BA BAKAAAAAAAAAK!!!!! Does he hear us now?"
So true. I'm kind of glad that Lilly has a new BAWKING partner. After Patsy died she had no one to BAKAWK with. It think she liked joining in today. :love
I braved the cold wind today to spend some time sitting with the chicks. The sun came out for a moment and they decided to snuggle a bit with their dear old dad. :woot

It's not the best picture because I had to shoot it blind from arm's length across my body, but there really are three chickens all squished up against me. It's good to know that at least somebody appears to like me.
Snuggle time


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