I have fixed my post to be inside a spoiler. Two problems first that it doesn't carry over to replies so you can still read the post if you click expand on your reply, and secondly my original post on this topic (which was less graphic) has been up for too long to allow me to edit it - at least I don't see that option.
I am so sorry to everyone I upset.
I'm glad you shared the memory. It's a reminder that some people are vicious.

Being upset is healthy and makes us stronger.
Please, leave it up. It is better known than not. Maybe I am too sensitive. 😢
Bob, I think we're all sensitive to that story, as we ought to be. Doesn't mean we shouldn't read it, but your suggestion of a spoiler was very good because it gives us the choice.
I must say that I love when the yard is in its full glory, the tribe is free ranging, and I go weeks without filling their feeders. They are exceptional at finding what they need to eat.
I think mine must be pigs. They were out foraging all day yesterday and they were very busy finding things and then on the way to bed they completely pigged out on commercial feed. Honestly, I was surprised they could stand up their crops were so full but by this morning it was all gone and they were ravenous again!
Got it. Poor thing, wonder what's up with her..just give her calcium free choice. You probably are. :)
Yes, I am. However, she does not seem to eat oyster shell. She does enjoy eggshell, but it’s not like I have tons of that for the whole flock. I do put it out for them. Amazingly, she laid an egg with a shell today! It was very, very brittle… It was broken when I found it. But still! Maybe the enrofloxacin and calcium are helping.

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