Piscia has lost several of her larger tail feathers.

She doesn't seem to be getting pecked, is eating and pooping fine, and I'm not seeing any evidence of mites or anything.

Has anyone had (or heard of) a ~12 wk old chicken experience a very young tail specific molt?

I've attached a pic from today with her tail circled and one from 4 days ago when it was fuller.
Piscia update! She lost the last scraggly tail feather and looks so much cuter now!

Kinda like a feather fluff football now 😂
And I swear she's put on half a pound this week too! 😯
Play her out at night. I had to do that with Marigold. She'd be asleep by 8 or 9 and then up at 4 or 5 in the morning. I'd wake her up and play with her for 30 to 45 minutes and then she'd sleep until 6 or 7 when I had to get up anyway.
Good idea. I'll implement this strategy tonight.
Interesting, isn’t it, Bob? Maybe because they’re hatchery birds? Roxy is small for a Wyandotte, too.
There is a school of thought that @Ribh shared with me that they are now breeding the dual purpose birds smaller for the backyard chicken keeper so that they require less food per egg.
Vicki is constantly letting herself in and out of the run. She likes to come out first thing in the morning to eat the bugs and lay her egg. Throughout the day she'll hope in and out depending on the weather. I think she looks wonderful and I really wish I could let all of my chooks live like this.


Even though she has the most black in her feathers, she is the most like her Leghorn breeding. The others will let me touch them and will take food from my hand. Vicki will not do either.
Snow anyone?! :eek:

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Thankfully not much, a passing squall, but we should be past snow by now.
I took the day off work today and have been outside marking the location of the chicken garden - no snow, but I have had to come in to thaw out - it is very cold and very windy!

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