I'm going to be bluntly honest. I appreciate your thoughts and I'm not being emotional here as I've given this a lot of thought. Right now I don't see myself ever adding again. I'm going to concentrate on keeping these five alive if I can. Maybe if the hawk moves on and they can free range unsupervised again I might consider it but otherwise I sincerely doubt it.
I understand and respect that. It may be right. But never say never. Keep an open mind. Who knows what life will bring.
So silkie egg number 2 was just laid. I happened to be walking by and peeked in on the girls and saw Chiquita lay it. I'm going to assume the first egg was hers also. Now the agonizing part. Do I or do I not save up a few and incubate them. If I incubate them and they hatch I will have to take into consideration the miserable February and March weather we could get. I cannot predict how it will be that far out, but it has already been colder this year then last and we've had more snow as well. I do have my new Christmas present the brooder plate here and ready to go, so I will not have to worry about using a heat lamp. If I just hatch silkies, they will not grow as fast as my previous chicks so if I limit myself to 5 or 6 eggs, they wont outgrow their indoor brooder as quickly. The practical side of me is saying wait, but, these are Chiquita's eggs, and when I picked her up she was housed with her previous owners Buff and White silkie males. Assuming they are fertile, this could be my only shot with her to hatch out the greatest chance for Buff chicks. When she is put with Branch, odds are her chicks will be black. What to do, what to do. Help fluffy butt friends.
Hatch the eggs my friend. I have to live vicariously through you for hatching babes so you may as well indulge both of us!

The great thing about modern times is that we can create a safe warm environment for baby chicks 🤗
Sharing chicken photos should be a privilege not a burden. 😉

Truth be said, we do not see enough pictures of your lovely ladies. Just saying. :confused:
Tegan is still broody and was really funny last week. She was bokking like she does when she’s off the nest but she was preening at the same time! :lol: Of course Madam didn’t allow me to take a video.

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