LOL, no, the larger one on the right is the HERITAGE one. Sorry I didn't make that more clear.
Why so cryptic? I too was confused. I thought I knew the answer but wasn't certain. Sydney is  NOT a heritage barred rock, right?

Drive/fly safe!

Have my fingers crossed!
Thank you, I flew safely (another perfect landing. I know how much $ landing gear costs to replace) ! :D
Xzit update: she’s still setting, but all her feed was gone (so she’s eating at least) she doesn’t want to leave her egg. Hen-Rietta seems slow and sitting around quite a bit. But I’m not too worried about it yet.
Have you viewed this video RC?

ETA I've just been scanning the comments and it's surprising how many people are asking the vet to consult with no thought of compensating her for her time and expertise.
That was a great video MJ, thanks for sharing.
It doesn't leave me any clearer on what is going on TBH.
I am going to sit out there now it is cool and see how she is breathing, but something isn't right because she just fell off the roost! Maybe coincidence of course.
That was a great video MJ, thanks for sharing.
It doesn't leave me any clearer on what is going on TBH.
I am going to sit out there now it is cool and see how she is breathing, but something isn't right because she just fell off the roost! Maybe coincidence of course.
Well, you know what I'd do: take her to see the best vet available.

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