Fluffy butts

Rosie and i think Brenna

One clean and one dirty (Alinta)
Yes. My vet recommended Gatorade as a good readily available alternative for support to chickens in shock or having issues and needing supportive care.
Yes it needs to be the full leases version none of this Lo-cal nonsense.
And honestly I was horrified by how much mine lot loved the red Gatorade. It really was like candy for them!
Wow hmmmm wonder if my lot will drink it?
I 100% agree with this! Inside, no bad weather, and once he’s back to looking a bit better a girl for company. I’m glad there was no eye damage, that’s huge. Does he seem to have any concussion like symptoms? Can you check to make sure he’s got vision in both his eyes still? Sammy is partially sighted from getting into a row with Dean in early 2022, and Hawk is completely blind in one eye (that looks perfectly normal except for complete lack of pupil response and tracking. He’s not letting that stop him from defending his ladies from the evil food bringers every morning though, and he’s adjusted so well you would hardly notice it.
Hawk did an amazing recovery ❤️

I agree with the cooked eggs and sardines mine also love toast with lots of butter.

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