About $12 for a whole small chicken these days, at the grocery store. So $60 for 5 chickens.

To process is about $9 a chicken plus fuel which would be at least $70 if not more, then a whole day lost as I would have to leave early around 7am to be there by 9am as they want processing to start then, and wait for the process to be completed, they won’t release the meat till it’s chilled to a certain temp, then drive 2 hrs back home.

Last time I didn’t get home till almost 6, so that’s an expensive chicken. $45 + $70 = $115 for 5 chickens!

If there was a close by place I could drop them off, and pick up the next day. But no way I am driving 2 hrs back home and then do it again the next day, with the price of fuel esp!

Not easy having poultry here.
Where's @bgmathteach when you need her? You get the meat, worth $60, so your ultimate cost is more like $55, $11 per chicken, isn't it? ($45 + $70 - $60)
Of course your time is not figuring in.
About $12 for a whole small chicken these days, at the grocery store. So $60 for 5 chickens.

To process is about $9 a chicken plus fuel which would be at least $70 if not more, then a whole day lost as I would have to leave early around 7am to be there by 9am as they want processing to start then, and wait for the process to be completed, they won’t release the meat till it’s chilled to a certain temp, then drive 2 hrs back home.

Last time I didn’t get home till almost 6, so that’s an expensive chicken. $45 + $70 = $115 for 5 chickens!

If there was a close by place I could drop them off, and pick up the next day. But no way I am driving 2 hrs back home and then do it again the next day, with the price of fuel esp!

Not easy having poultry here.
Do you know a farmer locally that knows how to do it and could help out - maybe you give him one of the roos (his pick) out fo the 5 for his help? Then no cost, very little travel...and still 4 chickens for you - or, if you can't cook them/eat them yourself - could give to family that would? Win-win if you could.. Farmer get a free meal in exchange for a bit of time, you save money, AND since the Roos need to go - they will be used, as opposed to just 'discarded' or you pay to euthanize. :idunno:idunno:idunno

When I first started, though I was okay with the idea of processing the extra roos for meat...I could't actually do it and a local farmer helped me out (actually, he showed me how to process - but I couldn't actually do the killing for a number of years, and he was kind enough to help once a year until I managed to myself.)
Both have looked ready to lay for a long time now but apparently aren't in a hurry.
Both have checked out nest boxes but more like a quick look around than anything more serious.
Well, you always have to check out the amenities in your ne w home - and sometimes - need a passing glance to make sure things are still okay ... and keep mentally up just in case you might need it - like suddenly having guests and needing to use the spare/guest room. If you haven't' checked in on it for ever, you might need to check it's condition (dusting, open the window to freshen the air, etc. If you check it regularly - you will know that and periodically give it the 'once over' so it is ready at a moment's notice. She is just 'keeping an eye out' on teh nest box, to be sure it is in 'ready to use' condition for 'when the time comes'

Have you ever had a friend who was expecting? They frequently keep a small suitcase at the ready as they get close for 'when the time comes' they don't have to rush around between contractions trying to get everything they need last minute!
Where's @bgmathteach when you need her? You get the meat, worth $60, so your ultimate cost is more like $55, $11 per chicken, isn't it? ($45 + $70 - $60)
Of course your time is not figuring in.
I was more comparing the cost to buy a chicken at the store at $12 for a small chicken.

If I divide 115 by 5 the cost per chicken is $23 that’s an expensive chicken 😊

I don’t know anyone who has chickens - all dairy and beef here, or used to be. Farmers sold off livestock and just do crops, corn and soy bean for ethanol. Potatoes also for Potato chips - Hostess and Frito Lay purchase millions of dollars worth of potatoes here. There is a pork grower up the road but no poultry.

And I don’t know anyone who keeps a backyard flock for meat, actually when I think about it there is t really anyone near here with chickens other than my neighbours up the road…

Oh but! I just remembered my Blacksmith dates a poultry grower, in fact she had to get rid of her flock in part because it was bio security risk for her boyfriends poultry. Not to mention she had little time to care for her flock. She is coming out tomorrow morning to trim feet, I will have to ask her if she knows someone or if her boyfriend can do the deed.

He may not wish to for bio security reasons though… but I will ask her. 😟

My problem is inconsequential compared to whotdat’s - how tragically sad, I can’t imagine what I would do if that happened, one thing is for sure I would not be so nice to the dog, or the owner.

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