Foxy: I'm happiest when I'm with daddy.
Those are good ideas but I think I came up with a name in my language.
Četiri pernata prijatelja (Four feathered friends)
I know you all can't pronounce this but this is the name. This is temporary until further notice.
Are you from Croatia Grandma ?? I recognize четыре from taking russian in high school. (Hope it's not offensive, some of my friends from eastern europe countries don't like to be told their language is close to russian... especially from westerners !)

I haven't posted for a while but have been following. I have a few mugs today ! Before, I wanted to tell you about what happened to Piou-piou and Théo on the last day of 2023, 31 January. It's old news for those who follow my thread, but I thought it was worth mentioning with all the discussions on predators.
Maybe some of you remember we built two years ago a woodshed that we also use as a secondary shelter for the chickens when we have to isolate some of them.
It was a cold and grey day, so when it was time for lunch, we decided to lock the chickens back in the run so they would be safe while we were inside. Because Théo can't stay in the run with my other rooster Gaston, we locked him and Piou-piou in the woodshed.
But...we locked them in with a fox trapped inside 😱😱😱.
About half an hour after, I heard my other rooster Gaston making an alarm sound from the run below, so I went out to check. Luckily I opened the woodshed first. I saw what I thought was a cat climb behind the wood stack ; Théo flew straight out above me, and then I found Piou-piou lying in a nest, slightly wounded.
Miraculously the fox only made small openings in Piou-piou's skin. It must have been terrified of being locked up. Both chickens were in complete shock, but they recovered after a few days.
My partner killed the fox 😔.

So, please remember to check your "safe" place if it was left open before you put your chickens in and you have foxes, coyotes or racoons hanging around. We never thought this could happen, and we're very lucky it did not end worse.

Mugs now !



Lulu. Crazy and chatty as forever little Lulu she is named after !


And our brave little Piou-piou.
Are you from Croatia Grandma ?? I recognize четыре from taking russian in high school. (Hope it's not offensive, some of my friends from eastern europe countries don't like to be told their language is close to russian... especially from westerners !)

I haven't posted for a while but have been following. I have a few mugs today ! Before, I wanted to tell you about what happened to Piou-piou and Théo on the last day of 2023, 31 January. It's old news for those who follow my thread, but I thought it was worth mentioning with all the discussions on predators.
Maybe some of you remember we built two years ago a woodshed that we also use as a secondary shelter for the chickens when we have to isolate some of them.
It was a cold and grey day, so when it was time for lunch, we decided to lock the chickens back in the run so they would be safe while we were inside. Because Théo can't stay in the run with my other rooster Gaston, we locked him and Piou-piou in the woodshed.
But...we locked them in with a fox trapped inside 😱😱😱.
About half an hour after, I heard my other rooster Gaston making an alarm sound from the run below, so I went out to check. Luckily I opened the woodshed first. I saw what I thought was a cat climb behind the wood stack ; Théo flew straight out above me, and then I found Piou-piou lying in a nest, slightly wounded.
Miraculously the fox only made small openings in Piou-piou's skin. It must have been terrified of being locked up. Both chickens were in complete shock, but they recovered after a few days.
My partner killed the fox 😔.

So, please remember to check your "safe" place if it was left open before you put your chickens in and you have foxes, coyotes or racoons hanging around. We never thought this could happen, and we're very lucky it did not end worse.

Mugs now !

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Lulu. Crazy and chatty as forever little Lulu she is named after !
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View attachment 3731028
And our brave little Piou-piou.
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Holy Dinah! I was on the edge of my seat there reading that - glad Piou-piou and Théo are ok, I have mixed feelings on the fox, but I would say better it isn’t around.

And Gaston sure did a good job of alerting you, glad your chooks are ok. And of course I love all your photos they all look very content.

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