I just watched two foxes chase each other around the field screaming at each other.
I didn’t have the presence of mind to film it. Bright red against the snow - pretty striking.
I’m sure that they are very pretty, but I can’t like them. They have an appetite for chooks. :rant
It stopped raining for now. I let the chooks go outside in the yard. The house is heated, so under the porch is a good place for them to hang out. I hope they are comfortable enough, and not too dumb to stand in the rain if I starts again
Same thing here! There's a flood advisory out, and there is another round coming soon for me.
I wonder what was so informative about my post. Am I teaching you all my language? Grandma is exposed to my language and English everyday and that chicken just can't seem to understand both. In fact, the others can't understand either.
I think you might have mentioned it before, your language is Croatian or similar? I looked it up through google translate. And I learned a couple of words in that language.
Mugs Monday


In Albis.

I would love to put the dish on the tower I have here, but it's too cold and slippery to have anyone climbing up there right now 😲

For now it can stay on the ground, I have good speeds so I can wait - but once the trees start to leaf out I will need to move it!

This morning I got a reading of 182Mbps down and 20 upload, not sure what it is now, I had to move it a bit to clear the snow so it will need to readjust I guess.

I was thinking of watching the movie Chicken Run now that I have high speed unlimited network hahahaha😁
You must watch it! And the sequel!
For @BY Bob

Some winter wonderland photos for you - we got 20cm of snow (they only called for 5cm), and it was -12C when I took these - a nice January day.

Walking to the barn

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The back paddock - Truly was out there and decided nope nope nope snow is too deep nope not going out there
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And looks like a coyote ran through here while it was snowing last night
View attachment 3730588
Love it! Thanks. 🥰

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