Okay, yesterday Crystal (I think.) gave me a really pretty light colored egg. It’s her first ever egg, so I know that she can change the color and shape up a little.
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Today I got another egg, but it’s slightly darker. It’s not my BPR pullet Ruby, because her face is not very red. I think it’s Crystal again, just because she is really heavy now. I want to say it’s Opal because of the color difference, but when I picked her up, she wasn’t super heavy. Could both of these be Crystal, or is the darker one Opal?
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Here they are side by side for color and size comparison. View attachment 3744823View attachment 3744824
They are really small eggs! Here they are next to Splotches egg from today. Splotch does lay huge eggs though…
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Happy first egg! :wee :wee
Good idea. I heard some just now but a little ways away.
In good news, the squirrels have not dared go get the peanuts out in the open.
Is that really good news? They are surely afraid that something, hawk or fox, is going to grab them while in the open. That means you have a high predator presence. Which I think you know.
AND. If you had a Roo from white egg layers like a Polish and you bred him to Owly you would get Blue eggs 😊 so I am told… as blue is dominant and the white would somehow copy out the brown gene and such stuff….

I am glad your sis was over 😊💕
She just needs some polish ladies.

Oh they are so sneaky! Can you put screening up to the roof somehow? Once they get in once and learn where the good stuff is (eggs, treats…) they are going to keep going in there.

Meanwhile I had to move all the straw stacked in the hay stall and pile it up with the other stack, they were all starting to lay eggs up there even those beasty little silkies who can’t fly worth crap! Ok well one beasty silkie Marty the others still aren’t laying but I had visions of her crashing down and hurting herself. I found 2 eggs fallen down between the bales which were fine, but I also found 4 eggs that had rolled off the bales down behind and were broken, they all had a field day fighting over that, I feared for myself at one point with all these velociraptors fighting it out.

Bob would have howled in laughter as it was a relay of grab the eggshell and run away fast! Fluffy has still got it and those little legs sure can move!
I'm laughing now! :gig:lau:gig:lau:gig:lau
Is that really good news? They are surely afraid that something, hawk or fox, is going to grab them while in the open. That means you have a high predator presence. Which I think you know.
Yes it is good news. I picked a spot that is very out in the open in the hope the squirrels don’t go there. I know I have predators so this doesn’t alter that fact but it gives me hope I can make it a crow buffet table!
At least you and your chickens are safe! I get hawks here too, but none of them have gotten my chickens. The roosters alarm first and everyone runs away while the hawk flies over.
Yes everyone was safe this time. I have lost chickens to hawks. I spent all day with the chickens today and Aurora 's vigilance was impressive. She watched over everyone all day with no break. No one else stood as sentinel.

I don't know if she doesn't trust anyone else or if this is a change due to an uptick in the presence of hawks.

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