A Wyandotte! Roo probably: IMG_4331.jpeg
Most of my problems occur with Pastel in my coop, yes. It’s a small place. It’s really just a run with a roosting ladder at one end, and an old cabinet at the other. The cabinet was a brooding area for Willow when the raised the TSC chicks, and it’s blocked off with a little hoop run. I keep the door to it open though. It’s more narrow there than it is on the other end because of the hoop.
I have a TSC coop that is connected to my run by a little tunnel, so if he wanted, he could go in there. Unfortunately, whenever he is in there and I walk by the tunnel to feed the girls, he jumps out and attacks my leg.
I’m going to get trash out of an unused and unfinished part of the coop today, and I’ll see if I could try to work on a bigger addition to my coop.ch
Have you requested advice from @Shadrach ? He is quite the rooster whisperer.
Well, the eggs are set. I set a total of 28 eggs. Here is the breakdown..
Marty-7, Curly-7, Fluffy-3, Henny P-3, Poppet-6 and Betty-2. All but the final Poppet egg went in at 5pm. Poppet made me wait until 10 minutes ago. I had a difficult time deciding where to place the incubator in the living room. We now use the table frequently in there so it's traditional spot was out of the question. I finally settled on Grandma's sewing table that is still set up and cleaned off a space. In a way it is fitting because if I had a co-conspirator in this it would have been her. She actually would have encouraged me to fill the remaining slots with other eggs. The incubator is right beside her sewing machine. It is also temporarily where we have her ashes. For the next 3 weeks that is their permanent spot. The last time I used the incubator for her she hovered over it more then I did. She can watch over these eggs for me and hopefully bring good luck.
Well, the eggs are set. I set a total of 28 eggs. Here is the breakdown..
Marty-7, Curly-7, Fluffy-3, Henny P-3, Poppet-6 and Betty-2. All but the final Poppet egg went in at 5pm. Poppet made me wait until 10 minutes ago. I had a difficult time deciding where to place the incubator in the living room. We now use the table frequently in there so it's traditional spot was out of the question. I finally settled on Grandma's sewing table that is still set up and cleaned off a space. In a way it is fitting because if I had a co-conspirator in this it would have been her. She actually would have encouraged me to fill the remaining slots with other eggs. The incubator is right beside her sewing machine. It is also temporarily where we have her ashes. For the next 3 weeks that is their permanent spot. The last time I used the incubator for her she hovered over it more then I did. She can watch over these eggs for me and hopefully bring good luck.
Think of all the breakfasts that you are missing out!! :oops:

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