Good morning everyone,

We are skipping church today. Thing 1 had a fever yesterday and the rest of us aren’t feeling all that well. I got to sleep in!

There are actually some fleas that are resistant to frontline and other topical treatments now. My parents use soresto as well. One of their dogs is prone to seizures (1-2 a year usually associated with not eating enough) and any time she’s been dosed with anything topical or given one of the pills her seizures would get worse.
Take care of yourselves! Sleeping in is the best medicine. :hugs
Good morning!
It looks like im not the only one to get some extra sleep today lol!
I fed the littles fed and let the big kids out,then I went back to sleep.
I was tired so it felt sooo good.
Today we are trying out the Sam's club curbside pick-up.
For some reason the app shows many, many, more things for sale and immediate pick-up than are visibly on the shelves.
It is like they're hiding things a person could buy unless they use curbside.
No idea the point of that at all.
Oh and now you have to pay via the app, no more pay when you get there.
That is convenient for some im sure, not for us though.
I decided to pick what tomatoes are here and pull the plants. Quite a bummer to lose them to blight. I did still get 4 grocery bags of tomatoes.
Green beans are doing fantastic this year. I just picked a full grocery bag of them. Looks like blanching and freezing in the extreme near future.

Cucumbers....I am not a fan but they went bonkers this year too. I cut many back as it is impossible to get past some to get to beans now.

I let the 8 piece of hens loose. Maybe they can find some good bugs.

Rudy, Trudy and Crooky set to trying to empty a planting box. Naughty girls!
Sure. Here you go: The link to the Excel spreadsheet is easy to find. If you can’t find it let me know. Idk the answer to your question per se, but this is what how she put it in her email:
Thank You! Some vets say they will see chickens as they are an avian vet. And anatomy is the same but lifestyle between parrot and chicken is a bit different. LOL And could make all the difference when it comes to diagnosis.

Oh and I got to have a good half hour discussion about one of my fruit trees with hubs.
He told me my apple tree had fruit, now I do have apple trees but they are tiny.
What I do have is a whopper asian pear tree.
I thought i'd never convince that man those were pears. :lau
I haven't had an Asian pear in YEARS!!! Used to be able to get them at Sam's club but I couldn't tell you the last time they carried them.
Lol, that is where my tree came from like 10 years ago.
It was one of dad's birthday presents and I guess he picked a good planting spot because it went bonkers.
That tree is every bit 15 to 20 feet tall and is drooping with pears.
Thank You! Some vets say they will see chickens as they are an avian vet. And anatomy is the same but lifestyle between parrot and chicken is a bit different. LOL And could make all the difference when it comes to diagnosis.

I haven't had an Asian pear in YEARS!!! Used to be able to get them at Sam's club but I couldn't tell you the last time they carried them.

Oh I was dead on about the sam's club app, all those things that are never, never there magically appeared in the curbside order.
This is stuff I looked for like a hawk, like mexican coca~cola and it just was not there to be had so they are hiding products.

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