I've had a rat problem in my coop lately. I put out rat baits (not where the chickens can get to them). In the meantime, Dh bought a trident looking thing (like a frog gig), to stab them, when they come out of the tunnels when he floods them. Like with a fish hook, the end points have that protrusion, to keep things from falling off the tips. The first thing I said was he needed to use the Dremmel, or a grinder to remove the protrusions, or it would be getting caught on things like the fencing on the coop, and he wouldn't be able to get it loose easily.

Did he file the protrusions? Nope. Yes, he got it caught a few times on the coop wire, and yes he had to work at it to get it loose. Fast forward a few days. My rat patrol went to the feed store. While there, they bought 2 small live traps. I mentioned they should put chicken feed in it as bait, since that's what the rats are used to. Nope, they put some leftover Subway sandwich in it. Sooooo, the first night, they caught a squirrel, a bird, another squirrel, but NO rats.

Last night, they used chicken feed. Lo, and behold there was a rat in one of the live traps this morning. The rat patrol sprang into action with their well thought out plan. They brought the trap up to the front of the house, by the garage. Dh would dump the rat into a big tote, and grandson would stab it with the trident. Oops, where's the big tote? Found the tote, emptied the rat into it, grandson stabbed, got it, but didn't kill it. It squealed, but shortly stopped squealing, so grandson thought it was dead. He lifted the rat, on the trident, up out of the tote and when he did it jumped off running into the garage.

Dh grabbed the trident, and ran into the garage in hot pursuit of the rat. He found it right next to a shelving rack, and stabbed at it. The trident caught on the shelving rack, and the rat ran to the other side of the garage. Nope, that trident was not coming loose easily. In the meantime, the rat is running around on the other side of the garage. Dh is freaking out, since there is now a rat running loose in the garage, and he can't think of anything to do, but look helpless, and try to get his trident loose.

At this point, I had to run into the house, because I was laughing so hard, and it was making him mad. Yes, he finally got his trident loose, chased the rat, and it ran out of the garage around the side of the house. I walked out after I quit laughing, and found him filing down the protrusions on his trident.
I have a box rat trap that fits into an old cooler full of water to give them swimming lessons. With the lid close so I can't see them.
Yes, I married a genius. The rat escapade is proof, but I have further proof. I was recently looking at, and drooling over Klipsch speakers. Over the past couple years, we've upgraded our home theater equipment one piece at a time. Not anything lavish, but the higher end of medium level equipment. Our receiver has Dolby Atmos. While I have the small entry level Klipsch surround sound speaker system, they are inexpensive, and not Atmos capable.
He saw I was looking at the Klipsch speakers. He asked me which speakers I liked, and why. I complied with a list, and explained why I picked the various ones on the list. He too got caught up in drooling over what I had picked. To get the real pricing, he began putting them into the shopping cart. It gave him a total, THEN there was a pop-up, asking if he wanted to finance his order. Of course, he clicked on it to check into it. His last words, before he did the final click were, "they'll never approve this". The next thing on his screen was "You've been approved, and your order is completed". He sort of freaked. It's a good thing we can afford them, or he'd be screwed, glued, and tattooed.

My $6,000.00 speaker system should be arriving tomorrow.
Yes, I married a genius. The rat escapade is proof, but I have further proof. I was recently looking at, and drooling over Klipsch speakers. Over the past couple years, we've upgraded our home theater equipment one piece at a time. Not anything lavish, but the higher end of medium level equipment. Our receiver has Dolby Atmos. While I have the small entry level Klipsch surround sound speaker system, they are inexpensive, and not Atmos capable.
He saw I was looking at the Klipsch speakers. He asked me which speakers I liked, and why. I complied with a list, and explained why I picked the various ones on the list. He too got caught up in drooling over what I had picked. To get the real pricing, he began putting them into the shopping cart. It gave him a total, THEN there was a pop-up, asking if he wanted to finance his order. Of course, he clicked on it to check into it. His last words, before he did the final click were, "they'll never approve this". The next thing on his screen was "You've been approved, and your order is completed". He sort of freaked. It's a good thing we can afford them, or he'd be screwed, glued, and tattooed.

My $6,000.00 speaker system should be arriving tomorrow.
6k 😱 :barnie :he
I would be using that Trident gig on him!
I have an excellent coop/run setup, so I can't complain.

In the meantime, remember how the Rat Patrol said the rat ran out of the garage, around the side of the house? This evening, my daughter was sitting out there, to smoke, and playing a game on her phone. She saw our cat out of the corner of her eye. Hmmm, she didn't close the door all the way, and the cat must have pushed it open. She does that once in a great while. Nope, the door was shut, so she must have followed my daughter when she came out. My daughter was about to reach down to get the cat, and put her back in the house, when she realized it was the RAT, and screamed.

All heck broke loose then. The rat patrol ran out into the garage. When my daughter screamed, she scared the rat, and didn't watch where it went. The rat patrol combed the garage, but found no rat. The garage door is not completely closed. It's up about 4 inches. The rat patrol is hoping it will leave during the night. I asked my daughter if they took the bags of chicken feed out of the garage. Nope. Somehow, I have my doubts that it's going to just up, and leave.
Good morning folks :frow

Morning all.

We are snowed in today. The roads are reported to be iced over and all schools are closed today.

Stinkin cold at a feels like if "2". I think we are actually colder than that.
:frow Good morning Henny, have a great day and stay warm and safe!

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