Uh, sorry, I’ll take the handbook and skip the rest thanks. Can I just fill out a form?

1. Are you nuts? If not, please enroll directly into our nut-making course.
2. Do you like chickens? If not, what are you doing on BYC?
3. Do you have chickens? If so GIMME PICS.
4. Do you swear to say that I am the bestest for the rest of your life?
4. Did you notice that I repeated this number? If not, see FNF for a glasses installment.
5. Em dash abusers are not allowed per RJ and yours truly. Explain the use of an em dash.
6. Since you won't consent to signing your soul over you must instead promise to spend at least three hours a day here, with penalty of a dude in a grim reaper costume following you around for a week if you don't.
7. Smuvs is never to be told 'good night'.
8. You must have a pet tater to join.
9. There is no 9. It's just a cool number.
So, I've had a fun afternoon. I've been working all day and the Milk Drinker falls asleep a little after 2pm while I'm feeding him, nothing new there. However, every time I tried to put him down he woke up and asked to nurse some more. He slept/nursed for over an hour, the little stinker.

My poor arms.
I used to cut mine off nursing after 10 minutes on each side because the milk came out so fast they would get overfull and cry about THAT!

1. Are you nuts? If not, please enroll directly into our nut-making course.
2. Do you like chickens? If not, what are you doing on BYC?
3. Do you have chickens? If so GIMME PICS.
4. Do you swear to say that I am the bestest for the rest of your life?
4. Did you notice that I repeated this number?
5. Em dash abusers are not allowed per RJ and yours truly. Explain the use of an em dash.
6. Since you won't consent to signing your soul over you must instead promise to spend at least three hours a day her, with penalty of a dude in a grim reaper costume following you around for a week if you don't.
7. Smuvs is never to be told 'good night'.
8. There is no 8. It's just a cool number.
1. Most of the time. How about not being able to sleep at four in the morning and immediately thinking I should get on byc?
2. I am OBSESSED with chickens
3. Yes I do, lots of pics. You will get your share, do not worry.
4. Um, well, how about one of the bestest?
4. I would not have noticed if you didn’t point it out
5. You mean this thing - ? I love dat thing. But I do not know the scientific definition. Though I use it like a comma sometimes to separate a thought that kind of has to do with the original. Like this sentence, my rooster-who fights off hawks-is awesomeness.
6. I unfortunately can’t promise that, and I will feed your grim reaper to my rooster who is vicious.
7. Yeah I like this number too :)

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