OK, so here goes.

I'm gonna preface this by saying that I have been with my DH for 9 years tomorrow. A long time. I have been through a TON of crap with him--his son getting killed, my nephew getting killed, my mom dying, my house getting destroyed in Sandy, my crackup, job loss, you name it. My point is, we have history. And I am his WIFE. And all through it, I have never felt like his family has really liked or accepted me, although they are polite (they are WEIRD. Silent, noncommunicative, non-animal-loving not-my-people- kind of people).

So we went up north like an hour and a half yesterday for a surprise 50th anniversary party for his sister and her husband. It was thrown by DH's nephew and his wife, the anniversary couple's son. We gave them a nice chunk of change and a card and I took a Xanax beforehand (to deal with the stress of going, because I don't like being around that many people and a bunch of screaming kids and stuff). So I thought I was cool, it was all cool.

I go over by the buffet table and they have these clotheslines with all these old family photos strung up. And there staring me in the face, is DH'S WEDDING PICTURE WITH HIS EX WIFE. In her gown, he in his tux, all the old dead family members in the wedding party. Like--are you FREAKING. KIDDING. ME???!!!

Which is exactly what I said. Before I grabbed my beer and stood out on the front porch, fuming. He comes out a while later to see if I was OK, which I was not. He goes, "I told Michael (his nephew) and he covered her head with the clothespin." Frigging REALLY? I was like, I'm not coming in the house till that sh1t comes down, that is ridiculous and unacceptable (needless to say, there are no pics of me and him--nor am I ever invited to be in any of their family photos when they get together, something else that has always bothered me).He comes back out awhile later and says "they took it down. You can come in now." I did, I take another half Xanax, am still fuming and just want to go home.

When I go over to (surreptitiously, not) look and see if it is truly gone, Michael's wife makes some snide-azz remark like "oh we had to move the picture here" as she rearranged the clothespins. I said nothing, taking the high road. In fact, I said pretty much nothing for the rest of the (miserably too-long) evening. On the way home, when I got home, except to mention how totally hosed I think his family is. Then I went to bed. And cried.

I am still upset. Do you think I am overreacting? I don't want to go to any of the rest of their horrible holiday gatherings. They suck.

That's not the first time they've done stuff like that....

And now I feel like crying again. Except I'm mad. Still.

If you have been able to read this whole thing (I know, I know) I would really like your opinion. Thanks~ xo
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OK, so here goes.

I'm gonna preface this by saying that I have been with my DH for 9 years tomorrow. A long time. I have been through a TON of crap with him--his son getting killed, my nephew getting killed, my mom dying, my house getting destroyed in Sandy, my crackup, job loss, you name it. My point is, we have history. And I am his WIFE. And all through it, I have never felt like his family has really liked or accepted me, although they are polite (they are WEIRD. Silent, noncommunicative, non-animal-loving not-my-people- kind of people).

So we went up north like an hour and a half yesterday for a surprise 50th anniversary party for his sister and her husband. It was thrown by DH's nephew and his wife, the anniversary couple's son. We gave them a nice chunk of change and a card and I took a Xanax beforehand (to deal with the stress of going, because I don't like being around that many people and a bunch of screaming kids and stuff). So I thought I was cool, it was all cool.

I go over by the buffet table and they have these clotheslines with all these old family photos strung up. And there staring me in the face, is DH'S WEDDING PICTURE WITH HIS EX WIFE. In her gown, he in his tux, all the old dead family members in the wedding party. Like--are you FREAKING. KIDDING. ME???!!!

Which is exactly what I said. Before I grabbed my beer and stood out on the front porch, fuming. He comes out a while later to see if I was OK, which I was not. He goes, "I told Michael (his nephew) and he covered her head with the clothespin." Frigging REALLY? I was like, I'm not coming in the house till that sh1t comes down, that is ridiculous and unacceptable (needless to say, there are no pics of me and him--nor am I ever invited to be in any of their family photos when they get together, something else that has always bothered me).He comes back out awhile later and says "they took it down. You can come in now." I did, I take another half Xanax, am still fuming and just want to go home.

When I go over to (surreptitiously, not) look and see if it is truly gone, Michael's wife makes some snide-azz remark like "oh we had to move the picture here" as she rearranged the clothespins. I said nothing, taking the high road. In fact, I said pretty much nothing for the rest of the (miserably too-long) evening. On the way home, when I got home, except to mention how totally hosed I think his family is. Then I went to bed. And cried.

I am still upset. Do you think I am overreacting? I don't want to go to any of the rest of their horrible holiday gatherings. They suck.

That's not the first time they've done stuff like that....

And now I feel like crying again. Except I'm mad. Still.

If you have been able to read this whole thing (I know, I know) I would really like your opinion. Thanks~ xo
My advice is worth what you pay for it dear friend... but I say stay away from them! Seems like malice on their part. Very bad for your health.:hugs
OK, so here goes.

I'm gonna preface this by saying that I have been with my DH for 9 years tomorrow. A long time. I have been through a TON of crap with him--his son getting killed, my nephew getting killed, my mom dying, my house getting destroyed in Sandy, my crackup, job loss, you name it. My point is, we have history. And I am his WIFE. And all through it, I have never felt like his family has really liked or accepted me, although they are polite (they are WEIRD. Silent, noncommunicative, non-animal-loving not-my-people- kind of people).

So we went up north like an hour and a half yesterday for a surprise 50th anniversary party for his sister and her husband. It was thrown by DH's nephew and his wife, the anniversary couple's son. We gave them a nice chunk of change and a card and I took a Xanax beforehand (to deal with the stress of going, because I don't like being around that many people and a bunch of screaming kids and stuff). So I thought I was cool, it was all cool.

I go over by the buffet table and they have these clotheslines with all these old family photos strung up. And there staring me in the face, is DH'S WEDDING PICTURE WITH HIS EX WIFE. In her gown, he in his tux, all the old dead family members in the wedding party. Like--are you FREAKING. KIDDING. ME???!!!

Which is exactly what I said. Before I grabbed my beer and stood out on the front porch, fuming. He comes out a while later to see if I was OK, which I was not. He goes, "I told Michael (his nephew) and he covered her head with the clothespin." Frigging REALLY? I was like, I'm not coming in the house till that sh1t comes down, that is ridiculous and unacceptable (needless to say, there are no pics of me and him--nor am I ever invited to be in any of their family photos when they get together, something else that has always bothered me).He comes back out awhile later and says "they took it down. You can come in now." I did, I take another half Xanax, am still fuming and just want to go home.

When I go over to (surreptitiously, not) look and see if it is truly gone, Michael's wife makes some snide-azz remark like "oh we had to move the picture here" as she rearranged the clothespins. I said nothing, taking the high road. In fact, I said pretty much nothing for the rest of the (miserably too-long) evening. On the way home, when I got home, except to mention how totally hosed I think his family is. Then I went to bed. And cried.

I am still upset. Do you think I am overreacting? I don't want to go to any of the rest of their horrible holiday gatherings. They suck.

That's not the first time they've done stuff like that....

And now I feel like crying again. Except I'm mad. Still.

If you have been able to read this whole thing (I know, I know) I would really like your opinion. Thanks~ xo
You aren't overreacting. This is blatant snubbing. If they wanted pictures of dead family members, I'm sure they could have picked a different family wedding photo of a couple that are still together or something of the like. When putting together a display of photos like that, unless I have no other choices, I try not to purposely include pictures of SOs that are no longer in the picture ESPECIALLY friggin' wedding photos! Holy crap. They are completely tone deaf.
My advice is worth what you pay for it dear friend... but I say stay away from them! Seems like malice on their part. Very bad for your health.:hugs

I would like to, but he always sticks up for them. He doesn't see it as intentional, he'll say they are just ignorant. And then he gets upset with me cuz I am upset.

When we first got together, for a long time his sister that same framed picture of them (wedding photo) on her wall. And it bothered me, to the point where I said something. They took it down (and probably talked about me behind my back, I'm sure).

They have NEVER included me in photos when we are all together and it always made me feel very left out. I hate getting my picture taken, ut still. My family would NEVER do stuff like that, we are loving and accepting and think of other people's feelings.

When DH and I were engaged and his son died, his ex wife made a stink and I was not allowed to sit next to him in the pew. His nasty ex flipped out on me at the repast while I was quietly eating my dinner,, and I ran out of there and hid outside, smoking and crying I was banned from the memorial service (and we broke up shortly after that, because I was done) . His family has always taken her side, even thouogh she is a horrible person. But she is the one who popped out all his kids and I never get to forget that.

My mom and my family were nothing but loving and kind to DH. I don't want to be around his family any more and he gets mad at me when I try to get out of gatherings. I hate this time of year.
You aren't overreacting. This is blatant snubbing. If they wanted pictures of dead family members, I'm sure they could have picked a different family wedding photo of a couple that are still together or something of the like. When putting together a display of photos like that, unless I have no other choices, I try not to purposely include pictures of SOs that are no longer in the picture ESPECIALLY friggin' wedding photos! Holy crap. They are completely tone deaf.

Thank you Rae.

She still has that photo up on her FB (hello, it's been 9 years, get over it). That damn photo keeps popping up throughout our whole life.....I'm ready to make a dart board out of it! (Perhaps I will, that is a grand idea!!!!)

It was a good idea to take a xanax!

Actually Ron, it was a "three half-a-Xanax and a 4 beers" kind of day. That is how bad it was. (Yes, yes, I know. I don't need an intervention, trust me. It was either that or kill somebody. Unfortunately, I have a liver that could make Courtney Love proud. WHen I die, I will donate it to science.)

I haven't taken a Xanax since last time this year when I quit my awful job and was losing my sheeit. I mean I have been very yogic about everything. But this, this just really got to me.

My DH doesn't really get it, which just infuriates me more. He's like "it's not my fault." Well, stand up for your wife jackass!

I am SO DONE with his family. And the holidays. :smack :barnie

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