But what is it? They don‘t give any kind of ingredients that I could see. I like Elector PSP. I know it’s expensive but you don’t need a lot and stored properly it lasts forever.

I’ll definitely look more into it though.
Yeah I couldn't find out what it was either
Thank you everybody 🤗🤗

Thankfully we were blessed with a surprise check from his old job. God works in mysterious ways sometimes.

Mo, that stuff sounds really great. I am definitely puzzled by the lack of actual information though. I imagine if they listed the ingredients then they feel theyre giving away their secret formula 🤷🏻‍♀️
The SDS said its a clear liquid with a mild herbal aroma. Sounds like my tea 🤣
Morning all
41f this morning
Last night the hens with poults tried to get them into a coop. Of course they picked a crowded coop. One wouldn't go in and it's missing this morning.
About 10 I took Annie out and seen a big raptor fly out , found a half eaten poult.

Sorry about the poult Mo. :hugs

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