Ummmmm help!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 26, 2011
So I purchased my girls on 3/20 of this year and I have yet to receive any eggs, or even those first ones that have no shell!!! I am now getting worried that I paid a little extra for pullets and they aren't. Any suggestions on why they aren't yet? Also there seems to be quite a bit of feathers on the ground but none of them look like they are losing feathers. When should I excpect eggs, i know the Easter egg layers start a little later but the Barred rocks and the Buff Orps should be laying by now
Were they fuzzy babies on 3/20 when you got them or had they started to feather out - and, if so, how feathered were they? If they were new babies then they are just about 20 weeks now - generally you would expect to see those first eggs anytime between now and 28 weeks of age.
They were tiny little fuzz balls. Alright :( I remember getting eggs at the end of July with my first batch of girls I have heard Lucy and Ethel singing the egg song so hopefully I will start getting some eggs
Shouldn't be too long - we brought home our girls (as fuzz balls) on 3/8 and they started laying a couple of weeks ago - we are now up to 11 of 15 laying. Fingers crossed for your first eggs to show up ASAP.
Are they squatting, singing the egg song, or spending a lot of time fluffing out their nest boxes? I got my first egg about 2 weeks after I heard my first song, 1.5 weeks after they started squatting, and 1 week after they started testing out the nest boxes.

My girls were born 3/7. Only 1 of 4 is laying now (first egg yesterday!). Have another girl, but she was born 3/21, so I don't expect to see anything form her for another couple of weeks.

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