Chicken Flocks: Mixed or All One Breed?

I have mixed breeds because I wanted a variety to start and see which breeds I liked most. I love my Brahma's and Aurucaunas. I do not like my Wyndottes, they tend to be bullies. This year I am raising as chicks, ISA browns, and so far really love their disposition.
ehh...we got a combo of both... we throw in a couple mixed breed hens with the pin that doesn't have enough hens for the rooster... and have a combo of breeds and mixes in our biggest coop....
I, too, really enjoy the mix of breeds in our flock. They look so pretty all together, plus it does make it easier to keep an eye on how they are doing individually. Although I'm probably the only one who can tell the individuals of the same breed apart--"But can't you see how her comb has lots of little spikes while the other one's comb is more rounded?" My husband just shakes his head--It's also fun to see the different personalities, although I can't say I've noticed any exclusively breed-specific traits. I have two 10-month old Speckled Sussex hens and they are sweet and curious. And I love how they contrast with my more solid-colored girls. Along with them last spring I added two blue wyandottes. They are more reserved and skittish, but very beautiful. We've also got buff orpingtons, barred rocks, a RIR, a brown leghorn (Racer and her famous comb), four EEs (white, gold/grey and brown/gold), a silver-laced wyandotte, an olive-egger, and two black australorps. A few are admittedly my favorites due to their individual personalities, but I'd be hard-pressed to say which I find prettiest.
I see nothing wrong with a flock of all one breed, and I have seen it done. If you only care for egg production, that is what people usually do. I personally would be bored having just on breed. Part of the fun of having chickens is acquiring all those unique, different breeds of chicken from bantams to colorful layers.
In our flock we have 2 Buff Orps, a Wyandotte, 2 Sex links, 3 Easter Eggers, an Australorp, and a Speckled Sussex as the main egg producers, and they are all shades of the rainbow. Then there is a pair of Belgian D'Uccles
( beautiful bantams btw) , a white Silkie rooster, and a black and white Serama rooster. For added flavor, a Coral blue guinea hen ( male) soon to be joined by yet more guineas. Of course I have ducks too, Calls. They are icing on the cake. The ultimate collection would include at least 3 peafowl, but I am holding off on that for now. Sorry for rambling, but I love talking about my chickens!!
I have 13 birds and lots of breeds. isa brown, silver ameracauna, buff orpington, salmon faverolle, light brahama, white leghorn, one silkie mixed with isa brown, and two silkie mixed with black australorp.
my two boys are ameracauna and silkie mixed with black australorp.
He-He, my best roo
don't have a pic of the other though.
A flock of one breed can be very pretty as well as a good choice for butchering, eggs, or breeding.

We have a mixed flock and probably always will because I like so many breeds. I love their mixed colors, different comb types, and the variety of egg colors.

Strangely, we're currently keeping our black and gray breeds together in one coop because I like how they look together:
Ayam Cemani
Black Ameraucana
Blue Marans

In the other coop, we have:
Rhode Island Red
Barred Rock
Easter Egger
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Partridge Rock

All the different breeds get along. Aggressive birds of any breed are culled for dinner.

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