The sun has turned him orange in places :(
Yes. Mine comes out in orange tabby stripes.
Years ago I had an ancient black cat who turned more and more orange. The vet said it was something metabolic to do with his age. I don’t remember what unfortunately.
What are you doing awake Marie. Time to 💤
It’s a hot steamy one here, very warm and humid, I have the fan in the hen house it’s an oven in there! Poor girls.

Meanwhile Mr Pompei is laying in his crate with his fan blowing cooling air on his face 😊

I ahould really get another fan for the girls in the hen house….
Everywhere prices are plunging, world wide, on the one hand a price correction would be a good thing , on the other hand it would be a bad thing! Economics 101 the elasticity of demand 💕, then add in the substitution effect and supply and demand…. Businesses run the world not governments!
This requires a tax payment. We are way off the chicken subject here. 🤨
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