Do yours ever eat the oyster shell?
I worry because mine don’t seem to. I have tried scattering it on the ground but I am not sure if they eat it or just bury it in the bedding.
I offer oyster shell and grit, they sometimes peck at it, I am not overly worried.

It's kept in bowls for choosing.
Jaffar is locked up in the coop with Dakota and Xzit. I’m off to town. The other hens can handle themselves while I’m away.
He’s mad at me, but he had 3 hens to keep him company. Town was crazy (nobody knows how to drive in that town)
Walmart was…..,,.. well, Walmart! :barnie
My church was giving out free food, so I stopped there first. (So no duplicate food)
And I got lots of good stuff for myself this time! (And the chooks)
Talk away tax:
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I can't put it in their food, as I have a mixed flock and too much calcium is bad for rooster's organs (kidneys, liver, etc)

They (RC's) may not need it - they may get enough from their layer feed. Mine, I create an all flock from organic layer and grower feeds (mixed) because I can't get an organic all flock here, so I'm not surprised the hens want additional calcium.
Your rooster has a organ? Nice. I wonder how well he plays it.
I like to know what my chickens eat, so I make my own.
My favorite is my frizzle. He comes up to me and just looks at me.
I have a ears, nose, and throat dr appt today. I cant wait. My ears hurt off and on and ring all the time
I've been teaching the wee one to jump up onto the roost I have for them, I tap on the roost and pop she hops up and finally she can sit on the branch and not fall off 😁

Her hatchmates hop up and run across the branch up to the brooder top.

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