I’m paying for your chicken tax on that one Kris. Wow, what a situation.

Jaffar and Emily
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Thanks! I’ve not been photographed girls much of late, just running from one task to the next like crazy. I have to remedy this soon... I’m sure there will be more chicken taxes to pay in the future... still trying to think of a good name for the farm life soap opera. At this rate I could probably cover a few seasons of plot lines no problem!
Hi... wow there is not going to be any catching up here for me I think; I have a lot of respect for those who are reading through from the beginning, I have to say! I just wanted to pop in and say Hi... we are still slugging away at things. Roostie is doing ok so far, I have a red rock that’s also got a bumble, and have been dealing with worms (roundworms) for the first time... probably due to dipping chicken water from the “perfectly safe” pond when desperate for water and stranded due to vehicle issues (so glad I made that deal for our drinking water 🤢 because yes, we were told that we should be pulling our water from there too).

Great news, we mostly have two running trucks now, so if I can clear up the worms, the contaminated water shouldn’t be too much of an issue going forward, as we got a set of used tires for our flatbed, and the brakes are fixed on my Chevy (radiator replacement coming soon!) this is what happens to your tire when you get stuck in mud and are spinning it on a pointy rock without realizing it! No, we weren’t driving on this,
it went straight to the garage and lived there until we found tires...

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Arduinna is growing like a weed, and I had a Friend visit for some camping and a little fire

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I also discovered Goats don’t really swim, and had to rescue her from the pond after she lept in while I was pulling water. She was trying to jump to a floating log and splashed in about 5’ out and halfway between the bank and floating vegetation! My incubation was a complete bust 0/41 eggs hatched due to crazy temperature swings where I had the incubator, and the fighting over my Broody mamas eggs did spoil that hatch as well. The soiled eggs started exploding under her, so when my meat chicks arrived on April 16th, three little ones made a trip home at night with DH and she became an adoptive parent with great success!
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she is super happy, very defensive of them with the other chickens and Arduinna, but will allow me to handle them without complaint (yep,I guess I really am her true Rooster, sorry Sammy!)

On April 19th I received my first Covid Vaccination, (the Moderna one) at a mass community vaccination clinic. Exactly one day after my 67 year old father qualified for his, lol. They are rolling it out in age brackets in BC, but decided to add our island to the list of “remote locations with limited health care access” and a very high percentage of vulnerable elderly residents in our population. This, of course, caused a huge population spike for that particular weekend, and it was three days of fully loaded ferries following the clinic to offload all the “residents”. 368 doses administered, on an island with less than that in full time residents, about 60 “no way I’m getting that vaccine, it’s dangerous, experimental, and not properly tested” people, and with over 100 people who had already received the vaccine being 70+ and having gotten it in town as soon as they were eligible. Cheaters! Hint, if you need directions to find the rec center, then you probably shouldn’t be getting the shot as a “resident”.

The day of the shot I was fine. On day two, my left arm was practically useless, and by the end of the day I was a little itchy on both my forearms, but thought maybe I had gotten bit by something. Day three I had hives on both forearms and halfway up my biceps, as well as from below both my ankles to about 8” up my legs. They lasted for two days. Only one case of severe side effects on island and that was fever/chills/aches, and there was one “big, tough guy” who fainted while getting the shot.

Sadly, one (or more) of those 60 “Nope” people decided to let the air out of our volunteer community health person’s car tires the night before the clinic. All four tires. This sweet little old lady in her mid to late 70’s, who arranges our pharmacy drop bag service, (we have an exception to standard pharmacy protocols for pickup because of our location) and helps coordinate things like our annual flu shot clinics, and yes, she helped to arrange that scary Covid Vaccine clinic. People suck. It wasn’t going to stop the clinic, all it did was inconvenience a very nice person greatly by having to pull out her air compressor and re-inflate all her tires early in the morning.

Also, our case numbers are spiking again, despite mass vaccinations, and we are going into another (kinda, not really) lockdown. But schools are still operating as usual, because children can only catch the Covid, they don’t transmit it :)rolleyes:). Travel restrictions are being reinstated, and now RV’s and campers are being banned from our ferry service.

No house updates as of yet, the tractor with the forks is broken yet again. Camper work is also slightly stalled as DH hasn’t had a single day off now since the 10th, and his next might be the 30th (fingers crossed).
So nice to hear from you again. I love the new rotors. They are a beautiful.sight when you need them.

It was nice of you to give Mum the chicks. She looks very happy.

Why did I assume that goats could swim. So lucky you were there to save her. I assume she is still sleeping in the camper.

The biggest news at my place is my new kitty.
So nice to hear from you again. I love the new rotors. They are a beautiful.sight when you need them.

It was nice of you to give Mum the chicks. She looks very happy.

Why did I assume that goats could swim. So lucky you were there to save her. I assume she is still sleeping in the camper.

The biggest news at my place is my new kitty.
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Those ears again! :love :love

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