Chicken tax 315B934E-FD64-4EDD-9528-444EFCC9816D.jpeg
Butter had another encouraging day today. I don't want to jinx it but I do feel she's made the turnaround and on the mend. She stood, unassisted for 10 minutes this morning. When she was outside she tried to dust bath, then on her own got herself half way into a standing position and took one step. That step is huge, it is the first time since the injury that she has tried to take a step. She got her belly full of grass and bugs I found for her. Offered her tuna again today, nope, not having it, its poison. Instead she's gorged herself on chick starter. Miss picky is driving me crazy on getting her to eat. She loves something one day, and the next will not touch it.
And Butter's first baby is growing up. Mom changed her name from Pickles to Squirrel. Claimed her colors coming in reminded her of a red squirrel. I'm 99% certain she's a girl. Her hatch mate, is of course a boy. Neither one wanted to cooperate when I tried to get pictures so this is the best I could do.
Thank you! What is your flock like?
Oh my flock... a handful :)
But I love it. 35 chickens total - 30 hens, 5 roosters. We love the adventure of hatching new ones every year. At one point we had 48 chickens total. We have enough space, but just got an overwhelming amount of eggs, though we have a big family (16 with in-laws and nieces and nephews) Our flock is docile, "bell"-trained (come when we call them), and some even enjoy being held!
Overall, enjoying the life with chickens. Fresh eggs are the best!
Thanks for asking :)!
And Butter's first baby is growing up. Mom changed her name from Pickles to Squirrel. Claimed her colors coming in reminded her of a red squirrel. I'm 99% certain she's a girl. Her hatch mate, is of course a boy. Neither one wanted to cooperate when I tried to get pictures so this is the best I could do.
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You can totally do this... you’ve done it before for the sake of your baby, you can do it again, for her, yourself, and your family. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!

I finally quit (completely) in 2017, with maybe three “slips” in 2018/19. Once while slightly drunk, once in a complete panic attack, and once when I almost broke my ankle. I was always harassing my mom to quit when I was younger and swore I would never start, somehow that changed in the early 2000’s under pressure at work and as a social crutch. I had several failed attempts at quitting between 2007-2017 but what I felt really made the difference when I did succeed was I looked at why I wanted to quit (Health, Cost, and wanting to start a family) and chose to make that my priority. Really dive deep into the “Why’s”. Understanding why you started, why you started up again, and why it’s important to you to quit. The physical cravings and withdrawals were the easy part for me, it was the psychological aspects of the addiction I really needed to break...
Excellent advice. :thumbsup
No, not dense. I was being cryptic as if you can read my mind!

I think Bridge got alpha status simply by default, since she’s most senior. However, maybe she has MAINTAINED the top hen position because of her good health.

Maybe this is completely off subject, since we’re talking about sitting and hatching, and Bridge doesn’t lay. She does occasionally squat, along with occasionally talking about eggs and sitting in the nest box. In my train of thought inside my own head, they’re related. LOL.
She is much like Lilly. Rarely lays, squats, and runs the joint through attrition/seniority.
Glad to be able to stop by... I took a solid break from all the big projects for about four days while my friend visited, but even the daily chores are still a lot... there’s about four to five hours a day minimum for me, longer if I have to walk to the other side. I won’t drive the 2wd truck off the farm without a license and on our narrow roads (a jeep is a slightly different matter though 😉 should I get one working again) so there’s also lots of cardio. I’m now playing catch-up on procrastinated chores/projects I delayed while my friend was here.

Here’s a good farming soap opera plot for you... just needs a catchy title.

For the real Drama, it was all going down at my friend’s farm, where I’m planting my garden and brooding my chicks. So my Friend “W” (64m) who I previously hatched with, has a drinking problem, loves animals, and is a little less than mentally stable. Farm owner “A”(43m) had his cows calf processed last fall leaving one lonely mama cow. “A” has a tenant “R” (23m) and his gf “B”(~20f) living in a tiny home ie: shack with a heater woodstove, and is also renting an 5th wheel to Chefs that keep quitting the pub.

“B” just rubs me the wrong way, so I’m scaling back my gardening and pulling out a bit, planning on also doing some planting around my trailer. “R” is flaky at best, somewhat skeezy feeling to me. So it’s all really about the cow... W,R, and The chef were all feeding her. An agreement was reached that W would feed her (amongst A,W,R, the chef and A’s father who actually owns the property) W is buying the bagged feed out of pocket because he likes/felt bad for the cow. R decides to let B and apparently a second gf I’ve never met feed her the grain W has been buying (and I’ve been bringing in for him). This happens several times, feed is consistently going missing, the cow is getting fat and a little ill. W confronts R in the store over it, and R sucker punches him, then calls the police claiming he was strangled and is being threatened. Of course the store security cameras “aren’t working” but two people witnessed the assault. W was about two sheets to the wind when the incident happened and doesn’t like the police... I can also assume he was being a little confrontational/belligerent. Still it takes a really brave person to punch a 64 year old man in the back of the head... personal aside, my money is also on R and B for the tire flattening incident...
I think they call this reality TV in the states. Wow!

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