Oh my, I have missed so much more as well, I am sure... this sounds like what I went through with Hoppy. You could also consider rigging up a chicken sling/chair for her to take her weight off it for a bit. I used one during Hoppy’s rehab after she was initially “flew out of the other kids’s hands” aka was dropped and her leg badly injured

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They can recover and lead happy full lives with some help. Hoppy lived and thrived for over a year after her injury, survived the initial owl assault, and learned to be a real outdoor chicken! (Not too bad for an older rescue hen with a rough start to life)
You did wonders with her Kris. :hugs
Along the lines of my msg to @featherhead007 about birds in my hair...I literally had a parrot tangled in my hair years ago.. It was awful! I couldn't get her out and she was attacking me and pulling my hair trying to escape. Finally after half an hour of this, hubby got home to a crying wife with a screaming bird and he was slowly able to unwind the tangled mess.

Moral of the story, don't let you bird use your hair as rope to climb down to investigate the food you're preparing.


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That is crazy! :eek:
So nice to hear from you again. I love the new rotors. They are a beautiful.sight when you need them.

It was nice of you to give Mum the chicks. She looks very happy.

Why did I assume that goats could swim. So lucky you were there to save her. I assume she is still sleeping in the camper.

The biggest news at my place is my new kitty.
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❤️❤️❤️ adorable what is his/her name? I don’t know that I’m ever going to have the time to catch up properly on everything here
Overlook my messy floors, but I had to share these photo's I just took. Butter is not only standing, she's eating while doing it. I know her stance clearly states she's still in some pain and she's not entirely comfortable. She has a long way to go to be 100% but she's trying and is a far cry from the hen Thursday night I'd thought had given up her will to live.
Overlook my messy floors, but I had to share these photo's I just took. Butter is not only standing, she's eating while doing it. I know her stance clearly states she's still in some pain and she's not entirely comfortable. She has a long way to go to be 100% but she's trying and is a far cry from the hen Thursday night I'd thought had given up her will to live.View attachment 2635616View attachment 2635618View attachment 2635620
She looks like she’s on the road to recovery to me! May I ask about the injury? Just a quick recap and you can PM me too... I know I’ve missed too much on here lately but spring has sprung like a tornado here.
Glad to be able to stop by... I took a solid break from all the big projects for about four days while my friend visited, but even the daily chores are still a lot... there’s about four to five hours a day minimum for me, longer if I have to walk to the other side. I won’t drive the 2wd truck off the farm without a license and on our narrow roads (a jeep is a slightly different matter though 😉 should I get one working again) so there’s also lots of cardio. I’m now playing catch-up on procrastinated chores/projects I delayed while my friend was here.

Here’s a good farming soap opera plot for you... just needs a catchy title.

For the real Drama, it was all going down at my friend’s farm, where I’m planting my garden and brooding my chicks. So my Friend “W” (64m) who I previously hatched with, has a drinking problem, loves animals, and is a little less than mentally stable. Farm owner “A”(43m) had his cows calf processed last fall leaving one lonely mama cow. “A” has a tenant “R” (23m) and his gf “B”(~20f) living in a tiny home ie: shack with a heater woodstove, and is also renting an 5th wheel to Chefs that keep quitting the pub.

“B” just rubs me the wrong way, so I’m scaling back my gardening and pulling out a bit, planning on also doing some planting around my trailer. “R” is flaky at best, somewhat skeezy feeling to me. So it’s all really about the cow... W,R, and The chef were all feeding her. An agreement was reached that W would feed her (amongst A,W,R, the chef and A’s father who actually owns the property) W is buying the bagged feed out of pocket because he likes/felt bad for the cow. R decides to let B and apparently a second gf I’ve never met feed her the grain W has been buying (and I’ve been bringing in for him). This happens several times, feed is consistently going missing, the cow is getting fat and a little ill. W confronts R in the store over it, and R sucker punches him, then calls the police claiming he was strangled and is being threatened. Of course the store security cameras “aren’t working” but two people witnessed the assault. W was about two sheets to the wind when the incident happened and doesn’t like the police... I can also assume he was being a little confrontational/belligerent. Still it takes a really brave person to punch a 64 year old man in the back of the head... personal aside, my money is also on R and B for the tire flattening incident...
Holy Farm Soap Opera! Hang in there, girl. ❤️
Overlook my messy floors, but I had to share these photo's I just took. Butter is not only standing, she's eating while doing it. I know her stance clearly states she's still in some pain and she's not entirely comfortable. She has a long way to go to be 100% but she's trying and is a far cry from the hen Thursday night I'd thought had given up her will to live.View attachment 2635616View attachment 2635618View attachment 2635620
YAAAAY, Butters!!!!

I wonder if she’d enjoy a little animal protein to help her heal and recover from the bruising? Cooked beef liver, canned fish, whatever? 😊

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