Your not a horrible person for thinking he was cute. Rosie was very angry with me because she wanted to keep it as a pet snake, and then I would not let her get it out of the trap and hold it. She loves snakes, wants a pet one, I swear when I hear that she is NOT my child. Mom was going to accidently let him loose in the yard but when she arrived she was sitting on her couch with the shot gun pointed at the trap. If he had tried getting out she was shooting him cage and all. She did not put the gun away until he was in the back of the truck and she was leaving. While I detest snakes I let the black one's live, she is the total opposite. Even a black snake is no good unless it's dead. If she was up here and "blackie" as Rosie named it appeared and she saw it she'd kill it or hurt herself trying to.

Well, I was actually thinking I was horrible for wanting to release it back into the mouse den… but with threat of a shotgun I suppose relocation isn’t a bad option after all for him!
Up on Tamborine Mountain [in Qld, Australia] you will find worms as large as a fair sized snake. No, I don't have pics. Not sure what you'd even look them up under.
Here you go Ribh. A genuine Aussie one.

Spoiler: in a little “sanity deprived” AKA, crazy.

I may be in the minority here… but I think he’s just adorable! Personally, I probably would have “accidentally” released him just outside. If a snake problem is helping with the hoarding problem, and definitely doing some population control on the rodents… well grandma didn’t know he was even there before. Yes, I know… I am a horrible human being. I get very upset when snakes get killed, they are mostly so beneficial.

We accidentally ran over one with the truck on Friday.
K: “Oh no! Stop, be careful don’t hit that”
DH: Looking for a baby deer or something “what I don’t see anything, what? Where?”
K: opens door while still moving “Damn it! A snake”
DH: “oh, I didn’t see it, did we hit it?”
K: “yes, poor little guy”
DH: “did we get it fully, or should I back up?”
K: “no he’s gone, and it was just a little guy”

Luckily he didn’t really suffer much, but I was still pretty broken up over it. I really, really wish we had some decent sized snakes here! The garters are great for slugs, but that’s about it. We really need a rodent eating sized snake. The only one we really have in the province is our only rattle snake, and it has an extremely limited range.
I like snakes too, but as I'm completely uneducated as to which ones are venemous I keep my distance.
Your not a horrible person for thinking he was cute. Rosie was very angry with me because she wanted to keep it as a pet snake, and then I would not let her get it out of the trap and hold it. She loves snakes, wants a pet one, I swear when I hear that she is NOT my child. Mom was going to accidently let him loose in the yard but when she arrived she was sitting on her couch with the shot gun pointed at the trap. If he had tried getting out she was shooting him cage and all. She did not put the gun away until he was in the back of the truck and she was leaving. While I detest snakes I let the black one's live, she is the total opposite. Even a black snake is no good unless it's dead. If she was up here and "blackie" as Rosie named it appeared and she saw it she'd kill it or hurt herself trying to.
I'm glad you got him safely away from Grandma and her shotgun. 😲
Bob I'm really worried, have you ever had problems with Raccoons?
None at all so far, but the girls told me about the eagles yesterday.

They were all on red alert and making warning noises as an eagle flew overhead. I won't let them go into the top of the garden without me around.

Those things swoop down in seconds. I have coverage in varying positions in their patch and periodically keep an look out. When they are not stalking me.
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Finally home for the evening. Debating on joining Rosie and her papaw down at the horse show or just taking a shower and crashing. Had 2 more mice jump at me this evening while moving things. Threatened grandma that if one more mouse jumped at me i'm bringing my mouse and snake catcher Daisy down tomorrow and turning her loose in the living room. I was only joking....sorta. I know Daisy would have a field day down there, especially if she could find nests of baby ones.
I actually like this strategy. She could be at the ready when you move something. Sort of like me moving rocks and Phyllis diving in to eat the worms. 😆
I assumed so with Hazel today but I couldn't resist testing it to see how it felt! She had a small outer feather sticking out of her side, absolutely 90 degrees to where it should be, and she was standing in front of me saying hello, pecking and tugging at me . So I reached over and gently, slightly tugged it, immediately withdrawing my hand. I hoped she would deal with that as when somebody notices a speck on someone else, and she did, she didn't mind, she just looked at it, then back at me and resumed pecking and tugging on me. Between us, I was way more gentle!
I had to snip amber's feather. And she seems fine today.

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