Automatic coop doors?

Anyone have one they love?
My area is humid and we get cold winters (almost as much snow as RC šŸ˜‰). I'd like a manual override and most definitely want one that doesn't crush a bird if she's being a brat and blocking the door.

I'm leaning to the ADOR1 model because it looks like it fits the needs and isn't scary to look at. The JVC one looks overly complicated.

We have power to the coop, so wired or battery operated is fine.

Would love your inputs!
I know mate. Lots of chook troubles for you right now, not to mention the isolation and home school.
Bizarrely, she seems to have picked up a bit. She actually ran for some oats and cheese, and threw out some feisty pecks. Teganā€™s been throwing her weight around a bit more this morning, plus she was pressed up against Charlie when they were back in the garden bed. Camaraderie?
Charlieā€™s really off this morning. :( There was a soft-shelled egg and what looked remains of another egg. She keeps sitting quietly and sticking her head under her wing. She wasnā€™t really interested in mealy worms. I donā€™t know if I can keep doing this! :hit
I'm so sorry Lozzy. :hugs That's your 2nd in a really short time isn't it? She might need some antibiotic in case something broke inside her. Can you afford another vet visit so soon ~ or are you quarrantined too hard for that?
And dresses are so comfy!
I hate dresses so much I actually don't even own one. I don't like bits of me touching other bits of me so all my clothes separate me into my component parts. šŸ¤£ For a while I was able to get my hands on100% cotton kameeze & they are the most comfortable clothing I have ever owned! I loved them but sadly my source has dried up.
I'm so sorry Lozzy. :hugs That's your 2nd in a really short time isn't it? She might need some antibiotic in case something broke inside her. Can you afford another vet visit so soon ~ or are you quarrantined too hard for that?
I might need to, Iā€™ll keep an eye on her over the next day or so. I donā€™t think there is an avian vet on today, but apparently thereā€™s a really good one in town at a different clinic.

Hereā€™s Tegan keeping a lookout whilst Charlie takes a nap.

Automatic coop doors?

Anyone have one they love?
My area is humid and we get cold winters (almost as much snow as RC šŸ˜‰). I'd like a manual override and most definitely want one that doesn't crush a bird if she's being a brat and blocking the door.

I'm leaning to the ADOR1 model because it looks like it fits the needs and isn't scary to look at. The JVC one looks overly complicated.

We have power to the coop, so wired or battery operated is fine.

Would love your inputs!
I love the omlet one
Automatic coop doors?

Anyone have one they love?
My area is humid and we get cold winters (almost as much snow as RC šŸ˜‰). I'd like a manual override and most definitely want one that doesn't crush a bird if she's being a brat and blocking the door.

I'm leaning to the ADOR1 model because it looks like it fits the needs and isn't scary to look at. The JVC one looks overly complicated.

We have power to the coop, so wired or battery operated is fine.

Would love your inputs!
I am my chickens automatic coop door. (I donā€™t want to miss any drama)!:old

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