Morning update. We still only have external pips. The eggs are wriggling and rolling so the chicks are working very hard inside those eggs. The hole one has is not big enough yet for me to catch a glimpse of it's color, trust me I've tried. The 3rd egg, the one that was iffy, but when I removed the turner i saw movement, it is doing nothing at all.
Morning update. We still only have external pips. The eggs are wriggling and rolling so the chicks are working very hard inside those eggs. The hole one has is not big enough yet for me to catch a glimpse of it's color, trust me I've tried. The 3rd egg, the one that was iffy, but when I removed the turner i saw movement, it is doing nothing at all.
Very exciting. Holding out hope for number 3. :fl
Are they? We usually get one or two tents in the walnut tree each year, but I have yet to see a major infestation.

Speaking of infestations… I caught three rats and one mouse in less than 24 hours using a single zapper trap! This was in the garage. I need to get another for the chicken run.
That is a lot of rodents!
I have found that having the two of them brooding together in the same nest box is a blessing, they have kept each other warm and avoided the randy teen Roos and Pangoo Rooster-brats advances.

I will have to seperate them when they break broody, they r too small for Pangoo and I don't want any further feather loss from the randy teens.

Twice a day to haul them off the nest give them food and water, they have weathered it well. Today they both came out on their own aye and went back in, so I think they are coming to the end of this cycle. I just darn well hope Henny Penny doesn't decide to start next.

I am planning on starting a new project (hopefully) and don't want my mum dealing with wacky broody hens in the winter... Oh work is a four letter word, bit it pays the bills...

Whining tax

Pangoo overseeing his harem on Mount Poopmore yesterday, I just looked out the window, lots of new snow the poor chooks will not be getting out to dig in the dirt any time soon .

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I feel sorry for them. Digging in the dirt is a favorite skill of my ladies.

“You want me to show you my fluffy butt?????
Excuse me?????” :rant:duc

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